The filmmakers told NASA they were making a student documentary on the Apollo program in order to get permission to shoot there.
Except for the opening black-and-white sequence which was shot on actual 16mm film stock, the rest of the movie was filmed digitally on RED and Blackmagic Cameras and then printed onto 16mm film in order to achieve that grainy film look. Matt Johnson dragged the print on the ground in order to artificially age the print.
Most of the scenes in the film were improvised.
Character Matt and Andrew have ID cards made up with their titles of Director and Camera, respectively. This reflects their real life status as Operation Avalanche's Director and Cinematographer. This sequence is supposed to subtly act as an opening credits sequence without breaking character.
During the full briefing for how the proposed movie of the landing will be made (at the 47 minute mark) a blackboard in the background can be seen scribbled with the iconic invincibility cheat code "IDDQD" from the computer game DOOM.