4 reviews
This beautiful documentary shows a glimpse into the life of a missionary that has been in Sweden so long he has forgot about the life he lived in his native India. And only imagining there are Catholic priests in India is quite an interesting idea to begin with. The filmmaker have managed to follow the priest through a difficult time in both Sweden and India and offer the viewer a very nice insight to what it is like to work in a quite secular country. In contrast to India the priest finds himself stuck in a lot of administrative work while his main ambition is to offer his spiritual self to his parish. I truly recommend this film to anyone curious about the subject matter.
I want to really recommend this documentary to anyone interested in what is going on in a priests life besides the official chores such as leading mass. Here we meet an Indian priest (ironic...) from the southern state of Kerala that is sent on a reversed missionary mission to Sweden in order to bring some spirituality to an overall secular society. The priest becomes very popular with his parish and manages to create an atmosphere of peace and understanding despite the various cultural approaches he encounter. In the midst of his parish work the priest is then called back to Indian to spend time in his home monastery and to regain his faith, something that comes as a bit of a surprise.
As an atheist living in Sweden for the most part I always thought it was difficult to image being a religious person in my native country. After watching this documentary I feel that there are so many world even within the confines of a small country like Sweden with just less than 10 million people. Father Raphael really gave a reason to feel some hope for the few and far between that needs spiritual guidance, and in the most unselfish way on top of that. I really enjoyed the glimpse into this other world of Sweden and wasn't even aware that it existed. Great achievement from the producer and a film I like to recommend.
This beautiful little documentary about one Indian priest and his mission in Sweden is a true masterpiece. Little by little we got to know Rafael from India and his journey in Sweden which is about to come to and end as he is called back to his Indian parish in order to recharge his batteries. We get a chance to see how beautifully unselfish and giving Rafael is and how difficult it is for his to return to India as he has now become accustomed to his new home, since 15 years, in Sweden. I want to especially recommend this film to the ones that don't believe there is any need for spirituality in a country like Sweden where materialism has by far become the ruling "ideology".