A real estate agent who is appraising a run down old house for a mother and her two kids is unexpectedly attacked by something very nasty that haunts the place and sure doesn't seem to appreciate visitors too much! So what I enjoyed the most about this short and what made it good for me was the way it actually took a little time to establish the mood with the long lingering shots of the decayed old dwelling as the unseen but clearly monstrous entity flits about moving objects and making bestial sounds, as well as playing the same old timey song on the record player over and over... It looked like an actual mouldy old abandoned house, if it was only made to appear that way by the production team, they did one hell of a job with it! I've found that there's often a certain eeriness to long abandoned places, and for its short running time this short makes great use of that tone. Like with the majority of the horror shorts that I've seen on the fun CryptTV YouTube channel, it's centred around a monster and pretty much ends on a jumpscare where it briefly reveals the buggy-looking thing as it grabs the unfortunate young man and drowns him in a bathtub full of brown filth! For a rare change the jumpscare felt really well earned and the lead up to it was great. I found this to be a very solid short and I got a kick out of its spooky dingy visuals and atmosphere, and it gave me a real chill for a moment there! Very nicely done and well worth checking out. 🌕