- Loki: I suppose you're taking me back to Asgard, then?
- Thor: No, brother. The damage you have caused this city will not be easily repaired. I must remain here to assist however I can.
- Sif: [threatens Loki with her sword] I'll be escorting you this time. The Allfather can't wait to have words with you. Heimdall, we're ready.
- [she and Loki vanish]
- Iron Man: Huh. You guys sense a little love connection there?
- Nick Fury: Nice work, Avengers. The city's temperatures are rising steadily with Loki's little toy out of commission. I think it's time we called...
- Sif: [appears flying by Avengers Tower by Fury] Sir, sorry to interrupt. Frost Giants are rampaging the zoo.What are your orders?
- Hawkeye: Oh, yeah. Those guys. Guess Loki didn't leave 'em a way to get back to the North Pole.
- Nick Fury: What do you say, team? Up for a little more defrosting?
- The Hulk: Hulk smash!
- Captain America: Well said, Hulk. Avengers... ASSEMBLE!