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Age of Tomorrow (Video 2014) Poster

(2014 Video)

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Complete waste of Time
dspence10010 June 2014
Seriously, I would not give this film the time (which I obviously have, hence this review lol) in terms of watching. It has been very badly made, very cheap and tacky, very poor acting and special effects are awful. As they say ' I'll give this a pass '......never a truer word said. This movie is diabolical trash. My expectations were, slightly, a little high for this movie, but after watching just 5 minutes of it, I knew then that it was very much a exceedingly low budget movie done, even for this trash of a movie, very much on a basis of ' quickly done with little thought ever being put into it '. I do not think there is 1 positive thing I can say about this movie.........lines and lines of negative appraisal most definitely. To conclude, give this movie a wide berth.
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Another winner for the Asylum
ronniewylie114 June 2014
Oh dear, I was tricked AGAIN by the Asylum, their gambit of naming a movie with a title close to the name of a blockbuster worked and I downloaded this to watch

{thank god I didn't go to a theater to see this}

It bad on so many levels there is just nowhere to start:

This is simply bad on EVERY level: story, direction, script and acting

Sometimes the Asylum make movies SO bad they are actually good!

I can highly recommend 100 Million years BC by Asylum, it has the very worst of everything and I can guarantee you will watch it with your mouth open

It is a little gem of awfulness and very unintentionally funny

That was the last time I fell for their tricks, I feel deeply ashamed at being caught out again, but not as ashamed as they should feel producing absolute rubbish like this

It is {like every Asylum epic} quite literally a waste of the celluloid it was printed on and a very poor use of a plastic box and disc

Find something else to do with your hour and a bit, read a book, sit naked in a bath of baked beans, hit your friends over the head with baguettes but don't wast another second of your life on this piffle
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No, no, no, NO!
beef-638-1214365 July 2014
After watching the first ten minutes I felt my brain was in agony so badly, that it was close to a seizure. Quickly I fast forwarded and... no, no,no NO! This movie should be labeled as harmful.

I voted "awful", but there should be a rating like "cheap rubbish" or "please make a law against this". So if you were lead to believe this movie is just "awful", that is only because the IMDb rating system doesn't offer an adequate description for the kind of movies The Asylum makes to fool consumers into thinking they are gonna watch something good while in stead it is simply cheap rubbish, meant do deceive you in to buying the DVD. Essentially, it is fraud. A hustle.

Though I must say, this movie - and others like this one from The Asylum's kitchen - yet have something to offer. To who'd like to count all the inconsistencies, faults, gaps, goofs and bad things, it would be pure joy to watch. Also, you could find joy in wondering WHY. Or simply laugh at all that is so wrong, it kinda gets good. But sadly The Asylum's movies are not that kind of wrong.

So unless you enjoy the pain of watching bad movies, or have OCD, you really do not want to waste your time and money on this. Or internet bandwidth. Be warned.
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So Ha-Ha bad ... for a bit
wabooradley27 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I like stupid movies with bad acting, because it avails me of the opportunity to crack a lot of jokes and keep myself amused. However, this movie is so bad on every level at all times that I became laugh-exhausted about 30 minutes in.

I don't understand where they got these "actors" from. They should have been forced out of the industry at gunpoint immediately upon their arrival in Los Angeles.

I don't understand aliens who cannot be killed by high-velocity projectiles, but can be killed by bonking them with bits of fire safety equipment.

I don't understand how our hero is pointlessly dragged before the alien queen for a Big Reveal, but then he never reveals any of this vital information to anyone else except in the vaguest terms. And that's cool with everyone else who, you know, has their planet's existence on the line. No follow-up questions from the team. At all.

I don't understand how you plan to successfully invade another PLANET with a team of 5 people. One of whom is only armed with a fire axe. By choice.

I don't understand ... aw heck, I don't understand any aspect of this movie, and I'm not going to wear my fingers down to nubs typing about it. This movie isn't "Ha-Ha" bad - it's "Give me back my 120 minutes of life or I'll hose your offices down with lead" bad. Oops, gotta go - I think I hear police sirens ...
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I'd rather have hot pokers plunged into my eyeballs.
manbytsdog8 July 2014
From the acting, the dialogue, the plot and the laughable the SpecialFX (that look as though they were done at a cost of $189.00) this is quite possibly the worst film I have ever seen. There is nothing that redeems this movie on any level.

Was it made as a tax dodge? By people who think the public is even dumber than a box of rocks? By a middle school student with learning difficulties? By drunken porn producers looking to go mainstream? I don't know, but what I do know is that this is worse than anything I've seen in over 50 years of movie viewing.

Within the first 10 minutes you'll feel as though you've seen this movie before, or at least the movie plot it was based on. And that movie was a big-budget Hollywood dud!

Go watch some youtube videos of goats instead of this cinematic tour de garbage. Trust me, you'll thank me and be much better off.
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Gets tiring very quickly
TheLittleSongbird3 July 2014
There is worse than Age of Tomorrow from The Asylum, but with Age of Tomorrow still being pretty poor stuff that is not saying very much. Granted Kelly Hu looks great still and brings charming command to her role and Robert Piccardo also tries his best and is the most involved actor in the cast(this said this is another of quite a few cases where Piccardo's material is beneath him). The locations are cool and quite pretty and the space-suits compared to the rest of the production values are decent at least. Age of Tomorrow on the whole is a cheap looking movie however, the driving sequences look like little more than haphazardly edited stock footage, the entire movie looks gloomy, the editing is bacon-slicer like and the special effects are never great or even good, the best of them are merely okay but most of them are awful. The music is basically loud sluggish-in-tempo noise played constantly, in the more dramatic parts you really do wish that they toned it down a bit. The script rarely makes sense with exposition parts that are ham-fisted and explanatory ones that is largely suggestive of the writers having no idea what they were talking about and how to deliver it. Any snappy moments are anything but and everything else is completely emotionally flat. The story is a disaster in itself, it starts off reasonably amusing, but much of it is unintentionally with all the goofs and what stuff the movie throws at you, but this gets tiring very quickly, here we're talking about less than half-an-hour in. None of the subplots are interesting, the main plot was a good idea that was let down by a complete lack of tension or fun and the threat not being that threatening at all while the trying-to-find-daughter subplot is where the movie starts to slow down and when it slows down it does so painfully. Plus it ends on a very anti-climatic note. The movie is erratically paced, the action has no life and looks under-rehearsed, the direction shows little character or technical skill. With the cardboard and barely developed characters doing them no favours, with the exception of Hu and Piccardo, the acting is bad, some even looking and sounding like they were still trying to remember their lines which was laughable. Overall, for The Asylum Age of Tomorrow could have been worse but it is still poorly done and tiresome with a few things keeping it from being unwatchable. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Suggesting this is awful is a kindness.
JDtheBigGuy1 July 2014
I hardly know where to start telling you how this movie is so terrible. The acting if you can call it that was mostly appalling. The script appeared determined to use every cliché stolen from any action movie the writers have ever seen. From "Is that all you've got" and "Blow the thing to hell" to "Let's do this" and the classic, "Go, go, go, go go." The story had more holes than a sieve but in case you are mad enough to want to see this I won't explain how. The CGI had it's moments but not nearly enough to make up for this poor excuse for a sci-fi movie and Robert Picardo didn't do to bad a job in his role as a general. Give this one a miss.
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So Bad you will be laughing the whole way through it
ozimick5 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was so big of a Epic Fail it turned out to be one of the best laughs I have had for ages. It starts off with pretty much Armageddon and Deep Impact plot then moves into a Starship Troopers and Battle: Los Angeles and the Shuttles are like a Hybrid of a Ship from Thunderbirds and the Last Starfighter and when it takes off the first time the flames from the rocket seem to go through the ground. Upon Arriving in Space they for some reason have perfect gravity and also they same when they land on the Meteor totally the same gravity as earth also when they pass through the porthole to the alien Planet wow what are the chances of that. All the Death scenes are so hilarious the effects seem almost cartoonist like and so random most the main cast was Dead before the first half. All I wanted Robert Picardo to say was "Please state the nature of the Medical emergency." The movie was only missing the Benny Hill Music at the End that would of made it perfect. So to some it up its so funny because it so bad even Dean Cain would not play a role in it worth watching for that alone.
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Don't get your hopes up...
paul_haakonsen1 July 2014
While "Age of Tomorrow" is not the most horrible of movies from The Asylum, then it is quite a far way from being top notch entertainment.

The story is about a massive meteor on collision course with Earth and the US military (of course) amass an expedition to send a small group of people out to blow up the meteor before it impacts with Earth (can you say "Armageddon" anyone?). But the meteor is not what it appears, and soon mankind finds itself in a battle for life and extinction.

Yep, that was basically it, and then throw in a few elements from "Starship Troopers" as well, and you essentially have "Age of Tomorrow".

The effects were actually adequate, and the aliens themselves were alright to look at. While the space-faring outfits of the people looked uncomfortable and like toy version, they were still on the right path with something interesting. If you have played the "UFO" games, then you will enjoy the outfits - just a shame that they didn't put more effort into making them more realistic and actually look like military-grade armor.

Story-wise, then "Age of Tomorrow" wasn't particularly impressive in any way. Everything was something that had been seen before in other Sci-Fi movies.

As for the acting, well, you know what you get here. And the only reason for me sitting down to watch the movie was because of Kelly Hu, but sadly her role wasn't a big one.

The movie's poster/cover makes it look a lot more interesting than the movie itself actually turned out to be.

There is very little to recommend in order to make you sit down and watch "Age of Tomorrow", so you might as well better spend your time, effort and money elsewhere.
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The Most Horrible Way to Die
Vincent_B30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scene this movie it blows chunks. This movie is so bad you can watch the first 10 minutes, skip to the last 10 minutes and the rest is cannon fodder. Now that concludes my review of "The Age of Tomorrow". Should you care to stick around I am now going to give some major points as to why this movie is so lousy. The rest would be considered as "spoilers", if that were actually possible.

Opening scene, fireman and concerned father is driving on the LA freeway talking on his cell phone. California law bans all drivers from using hand-held cell phones while driving. Of course we then hear him tell his wife that he left the teenage daughter home with the dog and she will be just fine. After that he places another call to his juvenile daughter (still driving) and tells her not to come home drunk again. What an upstanding character for this movie!

Scene two has some very low budget military and we get to see the two name actors "Kelly Hu" and "Robert Picardo". Sadly they both look like they are in pain for taking Asylum's blood money, but they need to eat too. Apparently in this scene, physicists who are both employed by the Pentagon and are expected to arrive, don't have clearance to see Generals and are detained by security.

Dr. Gordon explains the asteroid one fourth the size of Earth's moon is going to collide with the Earth in just 48 hours. This is very typical of most movies to make killer asteroids much bigger than you need. Since the moon is roughly a few thousand miles wide that would mean the asteroid is about 500 miles wide and going to kill us regardless. We have no bomb big enough to blow up a rock that size.

The next scene is fireman Chris Meher and his buds at a fire. Either the firemen in the scene have jedi powers or someone tossed axes at them and they actually caught them. Firemen are not safety minded people in this movie. They proceed to rescue a woman from a burning building. Meher's partner breaks his leg and is carried back to safety while Meher returns to show off more awesome jedi powers by leaping out an exploding window on the sixth floor and landing with the victim on a parked car not even denting the trunk.

There are serious unrealistic acting flaws such as unprofessional character in both military and firemen. Such as whooping it up when you find out you are being paid $3 million to save your world from an asteroid collision. Whining about weapons to go on the mission. "Great we got tickets to the end of the world and we don't have any damn guns." The shuttle interior and spacesuits look like they were decorated by Doctor Victor Freeze. There is far too much gravity on the small asteroid there was no attempt to make the actors appear weightless. Later when the firemen and Major Blake are pinned down, Chris Meher states his plan to go rescue his teenage daughter. Two of his fellow firemen state his daughter is not worth it and she is not that cute.

Science and the laws of plausibility are chucked into a dumpster when the asteroid rescue team discovers that the asteroid is nothing more than a prelude for alien invasion. They get teleported to the alien homeworld yet can make some type of call for help. Assuming the alien homeworld is as close as 4 lightyears away such a signal would take longer than 4 years to reach Earth. The age old joke of removing your helmet and saying, "Good there is air here." hasn't made me laugh since forever.

Finally about 52 minutes into this movie there is a pathetic scene on the alien homeworld. Captain James Wheeler is freeing an unknown and healthy female captive and she is distraught and begs him to kill her. Everyone knows that people in a crisis think clearly so... the Captain stabs her slowly in the gut. Yes, he kills her in the most painful way imaginable. What a hero. Yet moments later he is faced with a fellow soldier who is obviously been tortured and dying who is denied the same sympathy or indifference.

Watching this whole movie is like getting stabbed in the gut by Captain James Wheeler.
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Plot Summery is incorrect... ROFL...
quickfixpc14 June 2014
I love a good science fiction B-Movie. Even some created by Asylum are pretty good. After reading the plot summery I decided to watch this movie. I was confused while watching at the plot summery had nothing to do with the movie. The movie had nothing to do with the sun, as far as I saw and nothing to do with an anthropologist or the pyramid of the moon. I honestly do not know what movie the plot given by Asylum actually belonged to, but it was not this on.

I wish I could get a job watching their movies and righting their plot summaries, at least they would belong to the correct movies. As for my review Decent movie with good actors not a great story and the ending was sadly anticlimactic. Still want to see the movie the plot belongs to LOL, although it sounds like one I have watched before...
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Being that bad requires dedication
blimdb22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
One good point about this movie: it made me learn about Asylum and its mock-buster movies (thanks to IMDb). So now I know I have an excuse to add that unnamable thing to my SF movie collection, if I can find a copy for about $1 (I do find some on the legal market).

I watched it to see how far they would go. To be honest, no one can be that bad by accident, whether acting, script, dialog, whatever. Not by accident: it has to be intentional and one has to work hard at it. So abysmal that it made me laugh on occasion.

I guess it is interest in this attempt at breaking barriers and setting new records of outrageousness that won the participation of actors we have seen in better context.

Spoiler (though spoiling this movie is hardly possible): Another good thing about this movie is that all the characters get killed: they all deserve it.

Given that the film was actually trying to be bad, I must consider it a real success. I must logically rate it at 9. I actually hesitated between 9 and 10, but I want to encourage them or other filmmakers to try even harder to see whether they can do even worse. I actually read from other reviews that Asylum can do worse. So my guess is that 9 is the right rating.
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It's good low budget sci-fi - stay with it
mrohlee27 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the movie because Kelly Hu was top billed. She and Robert Picardo didn't have the most screen time but they actually had more then I expected. It starts quick and appears to be a remake of Armageddon as a giant rock is heading for the earth and a motley crew going to be sent to drill into the rock, plant charges and blow it up.

Picardo is the ranking military man and Kelly Hu is a scientist who goes with the crew to the asteroid. Pieces of the asteroid start hitting the earth which leads to the 2nd plot where a firefighter who has a wayward daughter is trying to help stop the many fires breaking out.

Things begin to twist as it's not an asteroid but a transport full of alien fighter drones and it switches to an Independence Day type movie complete with a rousing speech to the troops by General Picardo.

Some people are being killed and others appear to be disintegrated. The firefighter now is trying to make it to his daughter while the alien drones start blasting people. There were a couple of good shots where someone (somewhat) unexpectedly gets their head blown off.

It takes another twist as it turns out the people are actually being teleported to the alien homeworld and Kelly Hu and the team of rough necks make it there. They do a good low budget job of making the alien world look alien by odd colored plants. The budget is low and one of the things they saved some money on was to use some "alien" music from the 1950s-1960s but maybe it was a tongue in cheek homage.

There are plenty of moments when you yell out oh-come-on but but normally they are things to advance the plot without raising the budget.

There are more twists and I did enjoy the ending. Overall it was a fun time filler and it's certainly way more entertaining than the rating would suggest. One of the things that tells me is that the production company didn't pay anyone to post a bunch of positive reviews on sites like this. In fact some of the reviews seem to be trying to settle a score so maybe they were going to get a crew to do that and ran out of money so the professional reviewers turned on them. In any case don't be turned off by the low rating.

The acting isn't the greatest and there is quite a contrast when Kelly Hu or Picardo are expressing emotion with their faces and the others have either blank expressions or look like they are feeling constipated. But there aren't any characters or actors that are real turn offs.

If you are looking for some high budget effects and an all star cast this isn't for you. But if you can enjoy a low budget film with a decent story and good twists give it a try.
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be smart, don't start
r-cavanaugh9 July 2014
Dear Joel Hodgson and Mike Nelson; the ultimate film makers for some new seasons of MST3K are finally here, just think, your very own bad movie making crew, introducing ASYLUM with THE WORST films to ever make it to any screen. It might be a bit overkill for the MST3K team and I wouldn't want to harm any robots in the viewing of these movies. I seen an appetizing movie, went to check it out first, and nearly laughed myself to death reading the reviews, come to find out it is a film from Asylum, I didn't want to ruin my fun by viewing the movie.

read the reviews, they are so much better than an Asylum movie, and I really gotta say, some of these reviews are just hysterical
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Unintentionally funny.
richard-lutz-307825 September 2015
Interesting in that it makes you think about why it was so bad and other films are so good. It seems to me that the screenplay was the main problem as it could have been a hilarious spoof with a good writer, in which case the amateurish production values, direction and photography would be largely irrelevant or even help it.

The best part was seeing Robert Picardo from Star Trek: Voyager where he did a great job as The Doctor, while the worst part was seeing him in such a poor film. Picardo had an unintentionally funny line: "We're being told, from the sheer size of it, on impact, nothing will live." I and my friend burst out laughing. How did he keep a straight face?
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The best, bad, Asylum movie ever.
alonzoagain7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you're familiar with The Asylum, you know their claim to fame is low budget Sci Fi and Horror. There is absolutely nothing plausible about this movie. They execute a space launch to a meteor within 48 hours. They send a rescue mission to an alien planet with 7 soldiers and a fireman. The Fireman kills more aliens with his ax than the entire army. If you're like me you watch Asylum movies for a laugh. Occasionally they come out with a gem. This is not one of those times. I would have to put this alongside Attack of the Killer Tomatoes in my collection of bad movies. I'd almost say it has bad movie cult potential, but that might be a stretch.
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Why would they do this?
yuri01-128 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This gets a 2 from me only because people shouldn't search for Picardo and find he was in movie rated a lowly 1. As for the title of my summary - Why would they do this? - let's start with why would you send an Army team into space to destroy an asteroid or anything else? Air Force, NASA, yes. Army? Might as well send some oil rig workers. Anyway, they think it's a natural object, so why is this team armed? Just as well they are because they find aliens inside what is actually a mother ship. The hive queen telepathically joins with one of the characters to reveal its species' motivation. Why would join with (a) a lowly life form (b) a member of a species you're planning to exterminate or subjugate; and c) you're going to kill him anyway? Are your minions/hive drones/whatever so incapable of appreciating your grand plan that you have to get an ego boost from whatever that alien thing is? There's more, but I'd be asking to be flamed if I queried some of the character's reasons for doing what they do. If it's cable late at night an you can't find anything better, this might be worth putting on in the background while you do something else.
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The Asylum is a COPYCAT Movie Company! "B" rated MOVIES.
QuickMilt19 July 2014
I would imagine by now a lot of IMDb users have notice that The Asylum Movie Company since its inception in 1999 is almost completely a COPYCAT company producing movies at the expense of credible movies that were just produced and released with Asylum producing an almost exact reproduction of that major release at the same time. So if a movie sounds familiar check who is the "Company Credits" are just below "Details" guaranteed it was "The Asylum". Also you will notice that the rating of these movies are usually around 2 or 3 stars (maybe a 4 star but very rare), with very poor animation, week plots, very poor acting and a horrendous ending.

So unless you are really wanting to see a very bad movie and have a couple of hours just to waste in your life, stay away from The Asylum produced movies,(or just put your tomato plant or cat in front of the TV and let it vegetate and not you.) In fact if you did not know, none of their movies have ever released in a credible movie theatre, just straight to video.

I hope like a lot of IMDb subscribers, you do not support Asylum by buying or downloading such garbage. It only gives them more incentive to try to produce trash movies. I know there are also similar companies that have produced copycat movies but they generally are not total garbage like The Asylum's. "The Asylum" should apply for asylum and be granted refugee status in another country.........

Here is a list of The Asylum produced movies: Bellyfruit, Fourplay, Death Valley: The Revenge of Bloody Bill, Vampires vs. Zombies, H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds, King of the Lost World, Snakes on a Train, The Da Vinci Treasure, When a Killer Calls, 666: The Child, Halloween Night Pirates of Treasure Island, Hillside Cannibals, The 9/11 Commission Report, Dragon, Transmorphers, The Hitchhiker, AVH: Alien vs. Hunter, The Apocalypse, Invasion of the Pod People, 30,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 666: The Beast, Freakshow, I Am Omega, 100 Million BC, 2012: Doomsday, Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls, Death Racers, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Monster, Street Racer, Sunday School Musical, The Day the Earth Stopped, War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave, The Land That Time Forgot, Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus, 18-Year-Old Virgin, Sex Pot, Princess of Mars, Haunting of Winchester House The Terminators, Transmorphers: Fall of Man, 2012: Supernova, Paranormal Entity, 6 Guns, Titanic II, The 7 Adventures of Sinbad, 8213: Gacy House, Mega Piranha, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, MILF, Moby Dick, Mega Shark Versus Crocosaurus, Almighty Thor, Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes, Battle of Los Angeles, 3 Musketeers, 200 mph, 11/11/11, Barely Legal, The Amityville Haunting, Zombie Apocalypse, Mega Python vs. Gatoroid, Princess and the Pony, Grimm's Snow White, 2-Headed Shark Attack, Bikini Spring Break, Hold Your Breath, Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies, Alien Origi, 100 Ghost Street: The Return of Richard Speck, American Warships, Clash of the Empires, Nazis at the Center of the Earth, Rise of the Zombies, 500 mph Storm, AE: Apocalypse Earth, Alone for Christmas, Attila, Atlantic Rim, Hansel & Gretel, Sharknado, Jack the Giant Killer, Mother, Age of Dinosaurs, Age of Tomorrow, Airplane vs. Volcano, Alpha House, Android Cop, Apocalypse Pompeii, Asian School Girls, Asteroid vs. Earth, Mercenaries, Bermuda Tentacles, Hercules Reborn, Jailbait, Mega Shark Versus Mecha Shark, Sharknado 2:(Second One), Sleeping Beauty.
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just awful
eefringers26 December 2014
worst science fiction ever.... eyes still hurt .. Bad play .. Bad acting ..

i hope for the sake of movie making that this film is shown how not to make a movie cant find one good reason why this is a good or interesting movie there are series with less budget who do a better job than this the end suggest there will be a follow up.... lets hope that never happens..

video 0 points sound 0 points acting 0 points

if aliens are going to attack earth lets hope we do a better job than this movie showed us...
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The best thing about this mess of a movie, is the wristwatch of the hero character...
TOWATL28 September 2019
There are many bad movies and then there is this film. You can tell that some of the actors tried to justify their participation for themselves, whilst being in front of the camera. I wonder what the auditions must have been like...

The plot is riddled with holes and the main hero character has a nonsensical story arc to follow along the way. Dialogue is so bad it hurts!

Some of the costumes actually look halfway decent, given the low budget of the production. And while the location sets are not bad looking and set the tone for the action well, the production was simply lazy and did not prepare them at all. For instance there is a scene later in the film where the hero and his comrades first set foot on an alien world. While the scenery looks interesting and the trees and plants have all been made to look otherworldly by giving them weird colors in post production, the illusion only lasts for a few seconds at most. Why? Well, they forgot to remove the educational signs sticking out of the ground in front of every freaking plant they walk past. They obviously filmed this in a botanical garden of sorts and did not bother with hiding that fact at all. Incredible!

If this movie was actually entertaining to watch, I could recommend it at least for a few laughs on a rainy Sunday afternoon, but as it stands this is the worst pile of rubbish I have ever seen.

You have been warned!
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etschuetz13 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to find something redeeming about this..."movie", but there was not one single thing. It was an utter loss of an hour and a half of my life. Good thing I was bored to begin with.

First off, the acting was..sub par would be a compliment. The only "good" actor in the film was Robert Picardo, and he is entertaining in most things I have seen him in. Everyone else is either stiff, unbelievable in their role, or just a walking cliché.

The special effects make Sharknado look almost realistic. The set pieces were so low budget, I've seen fan films for Star Wars and Star Trek with no budgets do better. There had to have been only ONE alien costume in the entire film because you only saw one physical alien at any given time. Any time there are "multiple aliens" in a shot, it is through the use of clever editing, or the use of post production manipulation (aka cut and paste). CGI in the film was also poor. I've seen better in late 90's Playstation One intro/cut scene videos.

The last real problem, every bit of this film is a cliché. All the way to the ending, which was meant to be a "end of the world" type ending with the clichéd "last stand" confrontation that cuts to the credit roll. It felt like the producers/director/writer took bits of Armageddon, Skyline, Star Wars, Edge of Tomorrow (in title only), Independence Day, and several popular sci-fi invasion films, and tried to piece them together. Much like taking several puzzles, taking the pieces and hammering them together to create a hodge podge image that was simply ugly to look at, and made nearly no sense.

This movie has a 2 out of 10 rating here on IMDb for a reason. It isn't even bad enough to be "good".
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this movie is really good ( Ahem) .
evk31123 September 2014
hello everyone , go see this movie and please bring your friends and buy as much tickets as you can .

i am affiliated and hired by the company to review this movie as excellent. we know we used old scripts from older famous blockbusters , but we hope nobody will notice that. also we don't really care if we get busted for that . the money will still come in .

we are sorry that the actors couldn't do a better job. we know everyone was just lousy , but hey , they were in for a few hundreds bucks and a cup of coffee, and we filmed it all in one afternoon in my garage.

we had 1 million dollar budget to film this. you can bet we bought for ourself a Ferrari and a Maserati sports car from that money.

then we had a few hundred dollars left , we payed the actors a generous 5 dollars each. and hired some 14 year old school kids to do their first special effects job.

they used their Iphone3 to download cheap fire effects from Youtube tutorials for beginners. the audience would not be so smart to see the difference anyway, right ? the costumes we found it on a flea market for a dollar. but it worked great i think.

also we could not think how to end a plot , so we just randomly stopped somewhere during filming. who cares anyway ?

so everybody enjoy this movie and be thrilled for a coming sequel. although we don't have a budget for that anymore since we bought the cars. thank you for that.

and the name ? we were first ! so Tom Cruise stole it from us. now we go to court , and he will pay for this.
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Bad, really bad
Rcarpent6716 September 2014
The other reviewers have pretty much covered how truly bad this one is. One other comment- in a film loaded with bad dialog this bit of unpleasantness:

Our firefighter hero- I'm going to save my daughter( from the evil death ray firing alien orbs- good grief is this Under the Dome)

Goofy firefighter buddy to another firefighter- She's not worth it, she's not that good looking

With this kind of comic relief-well draw your own conclusion

This one has just turned up on Netflix, so I guess it will draw a number of eyeballs- be warned
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Not that bad
frostbittenballs6 July 2014
This movie has one of the most cliché scenarios, a strange mix of Armageddon and Independence Day, with added flavour from War of the Worlds, the Star Trek TV series, and influences from Michael Bay for visual effects. Looking at it, it's as if they stitched together scenes from different movies and painted the resulting tapestry with their "original" scenario. Some scenes seem blatantly plagiarized, the most striking example is a scene mimicking the one in LoTR where a Nazgul on the road smells the hobbits hiding under some roots. Moreover, there are so many moments that made me cringe, a few examples are: gravity inside the spaceship; Earth-like gravity on an asteroid; people talking normally to each other while they both wear full-face masks; and, as mentioned earlier, the so many clichés represented in the movie. In the end, the movie still succeeds in keeping your attention from start to finish, that is if you can stand being constantly reminded of other, more successful, movies, and all the other clichés and "cringe" moments in it.
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this movie had a budget of $1.50
theo_aivazian9 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I will never get the running time I spent watching this back. It was so Bad i felt bad for the actors who were in this. The should have held out a tin cup so i could donate to their living expenses instead of playing these roles. I love sci-fi even bad sci-fi, but this OMG... Now on to the review. I felt like i was watching every alien, meteor, sci-fi flick in the last 30 years all rolled up into one-liners. meteor, Armageddon, deep impact, Independence day, oblivion, alien, Backdraft, etc

Spoilers There is nothing science in this fiction, the go into space and have gravity, the go thru a star gate to get to another planet and it looks like a weird yellow brick road, in bad cinema scope, no accounting for the mass of the planet, the aliens are impervious to bullets, ray-guns, but not punches to the face or axes. The beacon being sent home would take about 70,000 light years to reach them, but they got the message in about 5 seconds. everybody dies and you don't give a crap about anyone.

1 Saving grace is the astronauts suits liked like Jafar armor.

skip this dog!
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