The alien planet is portrayed as being outside our solar system. Any kind of communication with Earth would have required at least some years at light speed. The human technology in the movie is the present one and no mention of "subspace waves" or other techno-babble is provided to justify such an absurdity.
Gravity force in the asteroid seems to be the same as if they were on earth.
The fire truck at the beginning of the movie has no municipal designation or city name on it.
General officers do not wear branch insignia. The insignia worn by General Magowan is worn incorrectly on his uniform.
Two firefighters at the beginning of the building have helmets with 27 and 35 on the fronts. These would be front different departments, plus the department is not designated on the fire engine which has the number 39 on it..
It seems unbelievable that during a global catastrophe, the fire captain would take control of the situation over the military General.
Someone wearing an airtight suit would be unlikely to wear hair long and loose enough to hang over the collar, and prevent an airtight seal should it be necessary to put the helmet on in an emergency.
The fire truck at the beginning of the movie has no license plate.
In the 27th minute when the firefighters of unit 39 (same unit as earlier) are stopped by the military the street at which they stop, is the same one as earlier: Power Street.
In the 27th minute when the firefighters of unit 39 (same unit as earlier) are stopped by the military, most if not all of the firefighters have no names or insignia on their uniforms.
The shuttle as it approaches the asteroid, is on a collision course because the coordinates are incorrect due the asteroid slowing down. If that were the case, they wouldn't be on a collision course, they would either miss the asteroid completely or have slowed down too soon and would easily be able to match the speed of the asteroid for a safe landing.