Opening with a scene where a young boy watches a pornographic video, and concluding with a pair of high school students having full sex on a film watched by their classmates, this is a short film that is not afraid to use its plot device throughout. The plot sees the young man of the opening scene now fully formed and member of a film club in high school. Given that his work mostly consists of pornographic material, he is not particularly welcome in the club and, when it is being shut down due to lack of funding, he also seems to be the only one pushing to make his dreams and visions become a reality. In this way the film is a recognizable piece about staying true to oneself, chasing your dreams, as well as being about the sexual awakening of young love.
In having this mixed approach the film benefits from the comedic effect of the familiar setting and tropes, having the idea of hardcore pornography mixed into it. It is not a mix that totally works, and a few times it does feel tasteless in its handling, but mostly it is a smart idea that works. The characters and the specifics do not go so well though. It has some laughs, and it has some charm, but neither come consistently enough to really do the job. As a result the short always feels like it is a few steps away from hitting its marks, ending up quite good but never what each scene promises. The end credits show that the crew had fun making it, and these moments do have a spark to them that the film really could have done with more of.