Herbert West: Reanimator is a new episodic series produced by Koa Aloha Media in partnership with Furious Nerd Productions. The series will follow the journey of the infamous Herbert West as he navigates through a universe of Lovecraftian lore. Herbert West: Reanimator stars Zan Alda (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) as the title character with …
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The post A Lovecraftian Revival with the New Horror Series Herbert West: Reanimator appeared first on Horror News | Hnn.
- 19.9.2022
- von Adrian Halen
- Horror News
“Re-Animator” is a 1985 comedy sci-fi film based on the H.P. Lovecraft story “Herbert West, Re-Animator” and directed by Stuart Gordon. For those unfamiliar with the plot, the movie centered around a medical student (Jeffrey Combs) who brings his headless professor back from the dead with a special serum. Rumors of a sequel have been circulating the web and now, thanks to Bloody Disgusting, a new “Re-Animator” film has been confirmed.
According to the site, the feature is titled “Re-Animator: Evolution” and is currently in development with Serge Levin directing from a screenplay he co-wrote with actor Johnathon Schaech.
“Our adaptation is a modern rendition of Herbert West – ‘Reanimator’ by H.P. Lovecraft,” Levin told Bloody Disgusting. “Moreover, we’re making sure that the spirit and the story elements are more loyal to the original written material of H.P. Lovecraft. It’s much darker, more thought provoking, and definitely more grounded in science than the first adaptation.
According to the site, the feature is titled “Re-Animator: Evolution” and is currently in development with Serge Levin directing from a screenplay he co-wrote with actor Johnathon Schaech.
“Our adaptation is a modern rendition of Herbert West – ‘Reanimator’ by H.P. Lovecraft,” Levin told Bloody Disgusting. “Moreover, we’re making sure that the spirit and the story elements are more loyal to the original written material of H.P. Lovecraft. It’s much darker, more thought provoking, and definitely more grounded in science than the first adaptation.
- 20.9.2016
- von Liz Calvario
- Indiewire
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