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Scorpion (TV Series 2014–2018) Poster


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Realistic? No. Fun and worth watching? Most definitely
jonny46227 September 2014
I made the mistake of reading the bad reviews that almost made me skip over this show. I'm lucky there were a few who seen it for what it is and convinced me to give it a go.

Firstly we'll address what every other review has. Realism. The scenario is not realistic and full of holes, but lets be honest, what TV show/movie isn't? I'll first say I'm a computer programmer. So I can see all the technical downfalls this show has. Being in my position I also see it in every other show or blockbuster movie. They don't make anything to be 100% believable. They make it to be fun and entertaining. I would like to see them get a technical consultant to help with this problem, but I don't feel it takes away from the shows entertainment value.

With the obvious aside lets talk about the show itself. Four socially awkward genius's. Yes it does follow the role that smart people cant be socially engaging, but it does add the to entertainment value.

The first episode drops our main characters into a very stressful situation. This lead to great character development that most shows take half a season to reach. After one episode I felt I knew and could relate to each character personally. It also had its fill of ups and downs with a quickly developing story line. Over all a great introductory episode and I cant wait to see more.
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Seems some reviewers take this far too seriously
ToddTee24 September 2014
Evidently several reviewers who pan this show as "unrealistic" have never seen any of today's mega-hit action movies. They are all "unrealistic", "over the top", etc. They make no attempt to be realistic. They focus on being FUN.

An LA Times movie critic called this show "ridiculous, but fun". EXACTLY!!! If you want realism, watch a documentary. This show is intended to provide entertainment, pure and simple, and on that score I give it high marks. All of the actors are archetypes of the character types that they portray, and at that they seem to me to all excel. They are no different than the superhero genre of films that are raking in so many $$$ at the box office today.
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Worth Watching
lindahtolkmitt1 May 2021
..... through Season 3. Worst Series Finale I've seen in my 61 years.
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Realistic no, fun to watch yes!
kim-0330727 April 2018
Fun storyline, although it's not realistic as many people hope. This is the first crime scene based series I enjoyed since watching Castle. The humor and the not knowing how they gonna solve it really makes me sit on the edge of my seat multiple times. I really hope they will come with a next season because this really is a show you can enjoy. The first episode may be a bit much, but please give a review if you watch multiple episodes because the pilot really is a bit unrealistic. The will it work or will it not question is a question you ask yourself a couple of times during the series.
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Don't take it at all seriously...and you might enjoy it.
jared7918 February 2019
Yes, 99% of people that watch this show know that it's over the top and beyond silly. BUT, who cares, not every show has to be based in reality. Plenty of people watch GOT and Star Wars and other fictional shows and don't complain how unrealistic they are. This show is fiction, it's fantasy, crazy, over the top and good for a odd laugh. Don't take it seriously and you might just enjoy it. The characters are likeable and the stories are passable.

I gave it 7 because it's just fun entertainment and that enough for me.
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annacruz-512914 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
PLEASE RENEW THE SCORPION, I love scorpion for giving me the inspiration to improve my study even though I know it's impossible to be like them but they are my inspiration to study hard and do kindness too all and to make me a better person, they inspire all the viewers to give their best all the times and this show can give you a knowledge whether it is science, math, physics, humanities (because of Paige), kindness and more PLEASE RENEW IT GOD BLESS
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It's a TV show
orbsearcher31 August 2018
OK, it's full of "geniuses" (or is that genii?) and the leader has an IQ of 197 but please, its a TV show & is made for entertainment - and this it does. Had all these episodes been factually correct like most of the reviewers on here seem to want I guarantee you would have switched off after 10 minutes cos it would be so damned boring. Personally ( and not having an IQ in genius levels) I found this entertaining, funny in places and certainly not boring, the characters were quite likeable, the idea was sound - and based (loosely) on a real life company and ok, the plots were a little ott but that's television for you. I look forward to more outings with team Scorpion
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You mean TV action shows are supposed to be real?
KenJoe16 December 2014
I have read a few of the reviews, all seem upset because the characters to do things impossible in the real world. I guess if that is the requirement for TV action series, we best not watch the Flash, another great show. I can't give up Justified, I like it the way it is, even though it does require my suspension of disbelief.

I read one review that made a statement that CSI was real, come on Crime Scene techs, interviewing witnesses, getting into gun battles? I am not down on that show; it goes for the same thing as Scorpion, interesting people doing the impossible and being fun to watch.

For me, the characters are the thing, they are likable, we get to know them and their issues, they are fun to watch as they interact and make mistakes, and yes, do things that could never really happen.

I like myth busters as much as anybody, (well, I did until they got rid of my favorite people on the show), but these shows are not meant to be real, just fun, with enjoyable and watchable characters, and here it succeeds. So Scorpion, Flash and Justified; I will have to be happy watching cool, likable people, doing the impossible.

I like this show just the way it is.
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A show written about smart people by people of average intelligence for dumb people
livebeyond18 February 2021
The show is ridiculous with no understanding of human intelligence or autism. Somehow it's still entertaining, but in an almost insulting way.

To be fair, I've only watched 15 minutes of the first episode, but if I'm being honest, I'll probably watch another episode.
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This show operates in it's own reality. That's not a good thing.
veruszetec23 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched the pilot of /Scorpion.

If you're thinking of doing the same, don't. I beg you, don't.

I'll just start with the plot:

*Four or five "Geniuses" with personality disorders (you can't be smart and well-adjusted, duh!) are recruited by the government to solve an impossible problem: LAX air traffic control software has crashed.

I call this an impossible problem not because it's tough to solve, but because it's impossible for this to be a problem. Air Traffic Control software *does* crash, and there are procedures, including manually-operated light signals, in place at every major airport around the world to handle situations exactly like these.

Oh, well, why don't they just patch the software? Because the company that made the software went out of business twenty years ago. (Yet somehow they just released an auto-update? And they didn't provide the source code to such critical infrastructure software in a software escrow deal, as is standard industry practice for infrastructure applications?) So, they have to get a copy of the old software from a backup.

Oh no! It's about to backup again! Our intrepid team has only five minutes to get into the backup datacenter to pull the hard drive!...Because nobody has ever heard of differential backups. They literally only have one backup of this critical software, and they write over the same tape every day. Again, any IT professional should be pulling out their hair at this -- this is a textbook example of what DOESN'T EVER HAPPEN because only someone as stupid as a /scorpion writer hasn't considered the possibility of a backup failure.

So, half the team heads to the datacenter to retrieve the backup hard drive before LAX -- which is completely dark, and doesn't have communication with any systems -- somehow uploads it's software backup and overwrites the 'good' version of the software. Yes, they're blacked out from communications, but still have a link to their off-site- backup center. And they can't pull software from it, they can only send. And they can't just unplug the line to the datacenter, they have to go and rip out the hard drive.


Still with me? It actually gets worse.

So, a car audio speaker that's in the car being used to transport the hard drive -- physically -- back to LAX managed to wipe the hard drive, because magnets. Possible? Yes. Plausible? Not unless you decide to store the hard drive on top of your subwoofers, instead of, oh, I don't know, maybe your LAP?

So, our team is screwed. But wait! There's another chance! If they can get one of these 777's to fly low enough, they can wirelessly ( I thought that was broken?) transmit the software on the plane to ground control. This plane flew from a different time zone! It still has the old software!


Yes. We're supposed to believe that planes carry the same software that LAX uses for Air Traffic Control, and that it's small enough to be transmitted in a fly-by. Oh, wait, that doesn't work, because of the "Speed differential" of about ~200mph. Those are some slow freaking radio waves, that's all I'm saying.

The obvious solution? Hotwire a random Ferrari 458 sitting on the tarmac. Blow the roof in dramatic fashion. Get the Ferrari up to 200+ mph on a 4000-foot runway. (For reference, the 458's reported top speed is 201mph. It takes a lot more than 4000 feet, though.)

But that's not all! The 777's pilot must descend to 8 feet off the runway, and rather than land, download the software, and sort everything out, they decide that the best course of action is to send the co-pilot down into the wheel well, open the well at 200+ mph, and THROW A FREAKING ETHERNET CABLE INTO THE FERRARI.


I couldn't finish it. I had to turn it off. (This was the climax, so I only missed the ending. Frankly, I feel I was generous.)

This is a show for dumb people. It is a show for dumb people to feel good about themselves because all the "smart people" in the show have weird personality disorders, and say things that dumb people think smart people actually say. It's a show for people so completely devoid of rational thought that they can look at this show and not see the swiss-cheese style plot holes.

I wanted to like this show. In 100 words, the premise sounds good. In production, it's so bad that it's actually offensive. It's like the writers are deliberately trying to make the show this bad. The acting was as good as can be expected. The action was very action-y. But there was no rational or logical explanation for the bullshit in the script that the writers are trying to pass off as a television show. A fourteen-year-old could write a better show than this.
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A case study on what you can tolerate...
keenanstarr22 March 2024
The plot of each episode is RIDICULOUS. No way around it. The writers knew it. The actors knew it...Overexplaining extremely complicated sciences and maths, behind the scenes relationship dramas. The whole show is just bananas. But that's kind of the appeal.

Completely outlandish scenarios pulled off by a justice league of "geniuses" who can't handle emotions. That sentence is literally the whole show.

The real prize is recognizing your personality type through the characters and seeing which personality types are abhorrent. Personally, I think Dr. Toby was the most annoying team member and I wish they would have killed him off.

But all in all, good TV for people that want to feel smart and dumb simultaneously.
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Fun and different
readuck15 July 2015
I just enjoy it. I love the cast of characters, each actor brings something fun to the table. Not every situation is perfectly realistic, but hey, that's what TV is all about right? There's a good mixture of humor, drama, and mystery. Just when a scene is too intense, there's a dose of humor to lighten it up. Katherine McPhee is cute. I enjoyed her singing and am delighted that she could transition into acting well. I've always liked Robert Patrick, and he's just like you'd imagine him here. And Riley, the young kid that plays Ralph, is adorable. I'm a fan of shows that spend time developing the characters and this one does just that.
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Entertaining and enjoyable as long as you don't take it seriously!
mikesc6023 October 2014
I really don't know what all the fuss from other reviewers is about! Well I do know what it is's just not a big deal. Whoever expects a movie like this to be realistic? Just watch it for entertainment and don't analyse it too much! Yes it's all pretty corny but for me that just adds laughs to the entertainment value!

And extended entertainment value is added by the option to pick out the irregularities afterwards...all part of the fun! For me, the main one would be, how can such phenomenal geniuses come up with the most extraordinary solutions to problems because of their amazing ability to harness and process facts and information, only to rack up the suspense when their solution fails, due to them having overlooked a relatively straightforward factor that meant their plan could never have worked in the first place?! Oh of course, I forgot - if they'd got it right first time there would have been far less to keep us in suspense!

And could someone please explain to me, if a WiFi connection won't work from a fast moving plane to a stationary laptop, why would it work from the laptop in just as fast a moving car (yes, just as fast!) to another stationary computer??

AFTER WATCHING SECOND EPISODE: The fast moving problem solving and action continues most entertainingly, using the varied mix of interesting personalities in the team to effectively add variety, interest and more rounded humanity. But even more than that, this episode has also brought a whole new dimension by interweaving with the main narrative the personal lives of the team, bringing moving emotional input into a story which up until now we might have expected to be centred around heartless mechanical geeks! An unexpected but brilliant improvement to an already enjoyable format!

AND AFTER WATCHING THE THIRD EPISODE: I'm beginning to come round to some of the views of the more negative reviewers - the technical solutions apparently thought up by geniuses are very corny and unrealistic and the sitting down hacking into computers in no time at all while the clock is ticking down to the next disaster does get rather repetitive! The role of Paige Dineen (Katharine McPhee) does add much needed colour however with her personality and chemistry with Walter. It is fast moving and lot of the speech is very fast and poorly articulated so it is very difficult to pick up some of the details making it hard to follow the plot. Downrated to 6.
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Why do shows about intelligent people have to be so stupid?
ksgoss23 September 2014
I bought into the trailers; I was interested. But this show was a mess.

I wasn't expecting fine drama, but I was hoping for something reasonably intelligent (like a Person of Interest or Numbers). Instead it was just insultingly dumb. Bad clichés, tired plot devices, and magical techno wizardry that didn't even make sense.

We will only get the quality of programming that we demand. If the networks keep providing this rubbish, and we watch it, then we have no one else to blame. I have to assume that the people who spent their time and effort making this show realized how insulting it was to the viewers' intelligence. So, if you watch it, you'll get what you deserve.
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It gets better every time!
cinzia-sympatico16 December 2014
I was literally glued to my couch last night while watching the last episode of Scorpion, "Dominoes". I am not an expert by any measure, but I find this TV show extremely entertaining :) There's suspense where you need it, romance where you need it, the characters are well-built with their own persona and backgrounds, the plot is understandable, easy to follow, and the actors are very believable (yes, I think so!!). Also, FINALLY a TV show with no blood splatters and no visits to the morgue (such a deja-vu lately), just fascinating brains at refreshing! Seriously, every time I think "it can't get any better" does! I can't wait for next episode!!!
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Wish they didn't cancel
buddymelvin_17 September 2018
I loved this show, I couldn't get enough of it. But the end sucked it was a huge chiff hanger, why couldn't you do one more just to finish if the team get back together do they ever Capture the crazy/psycho genius???
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lmahesa23 September 2014
The pilot was fun. As with all pilots, the aim is to 'sell' the show by showcasing elements of what is in store. In Scorpion, this had the effect of a rushed feel, somewhat like weird reboot of Crank. The plot jerked along, highly unlikely scenarios played out and some technical issues were glossed over or ignored.

In the time given, I feel they did very well - all the core characters were introduced, background was given and possibilities were put on display. I have no doubt that the pace will slow down to a quarter of the pilot's and the plots will be fleshed out more.

I liked what I saw: I wasn't bored, I wasn't bemused and, for the most part so far, I like the characters. Even the kid, and I just don't like kids in TV or movies. Maybe because he doesn't say much, but I digress.

My only fear is that this show will degrade into yet another endless serial, becoming a self perpetuating micro industry that the cast and crew live off until retirement. CSI, NCIS... I'm looking at you.

Oh, and Katharine McPhee is hot. So... there. Yeah.

Give it a shot.
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i Made A Mistake...Great Show
PartialMovieViewer19 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
UPDATE: This show has gotten so much better.

My original opinion was made before I really gave this program a chance. The directing, the plots and the pace are really great. No superstars overpowering the rest of the cast members, just people who are hitting on all calendars.

The entire cast is really tight now and somehow, they are actually down to earth.

The writing is so much better and I am not getting nose-bleeds from PC gorging.

Keep up the good work.
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I genuinely liked it
vadim-larkin19 February 2020
Don't get me wrong - this show is super dumb. But characters are likable and have nice chemistry between them. Except Ralph. Ralph is a disaster.
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No summary here, because you should watch it before you read the review. ;)
bjoern-kueppers26 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show! Why? Because I can enjoy something without having troubles about the car hifi magnets deleting a hard drive. OK the scene with the Ferrari and the plane was ridiculous but fun. But as somebody here are complaining the problem wasn't that radio waves aren't fast enough to get the plane. It was that the connection between plane and laptop has not been stable long enough because of the distance between plane and laptop. ;) But that is not the point. I love that show, because I can see it grow over that ridiculous Ferrai vs. plane or magnets vs. hard drive writing. I can see the relationships between that lovely crazy people grow. I like to think that someone cares and understands these kid whose own mom doesn't get it, because it is not 'normal'. I was emotional attached in the scenes were the characters try to fit in but don't, because that's live. Everybody wants to be special, but mostly specialty comes with a price. And the price mostly is to not really fit in. So they are a bunch of underdog geniuses with great minds, great hearts but also great normal social behavior problems. I will give it a chance to put the science in order and be a nice watchable show.
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Interesting premise, lively characters
rsridhar200516 October 2014
There are some reviewers who have criticized this serial being unbelievable and boring. Possibly, they may have seen a limited no. of serials only.

What we expect (atleast most us) from a TV serial is pure entertainment. You should not expect too much of logic or great story etc. from a weekly (or daily) show that runs just for 40 min.

Scorpion has an engaging story-line, with lively characters and it definitely entertains. Even though the episodes revolve around a few important characters, it does justify the presence of even smaller characters who appear in 1-2 episodes. We will have to wait and watch. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with this series.
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Quite Possibly the Most Technically Inaccurate Show on TV Today
darren_brinksneader13 October 2014
Where to begin...made-up names for technologies (Slow Servers, routing hubs and the list goes on), inaccurate uses and capabilities of existing technology are just for starters (typing a few keys and windows pop-up and scrolling text, rj-45 cables dangling from jetliners). I won't rehash a lot of what the other reviews have posted, other than to state that this quite possibly the most technically inaccurate show on TV today. If this show was satire or something based in an alternate reality that would be one thing, but this supposed to be based on present day.

I thought I'd give it a second chance and a third. I did and it disappointed each time. It's really a shame, the premise of the series was interesting, but the delivery was horrendous. How this show made it out of pilot is beyond me. I'd say it's entertaining, but the story flaws make it too distracting to enjoy.
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It is a satire!
manbok2124 October 2015
OK, I saw the trailer to this show just recently and from the trailer I literally thought it would be a parody of this superhero hype similar to Danger 5.

I kept on watching and the first few minutes of the pilot started out very well as a parody.

Following such a great humorous ridiculous start it continues nicely in a satirical way.

And then....the small funny punchlines to hit the parody out of the park kept missing and the serious acting seemed too irritating to be satirical. This was the moment I finally realised they try to be serious with this, for whatever reason.

Just a quick read to find out what the show is about already reveals high humorous promise. Compare that with given plots, the writing and I don't understand how they try to be serious. It's like a chimp with glasses riding a unicycle speaking German and trying to make this a documentary about Auschwitz. The source content is already highly laughable, the plots created even more so and then you create unfitting serious acting and dialogues without a hint of irony.

I still enjoyed the pilot as a TV movie and as a sister to the Fast & Furious franchise.

My recommendation to you, if you watch it as a satire, it is VERY entertaining. However, do not bother watching the episodes. They went all-in with the pilot and anything that follows is just disappointing.
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Looking back at the Pilot
winde2221 November 2014
When I first watched the pilot, I was torn. It felt like the show was not portraying itself honestly. It wasn't a CSI. It wasn't a Psych or Monk. It was something else. I had several shows I am dedicated to, so I quickly pushed it aside to my "eventually I may get back to this episode" list.

Then I got asked at work yesterday what the show was. I still hadn't put a label to it, but winced as I threw out "Big Bang" meets "CSI". She wasn't interested in either, so she shrugged it off. Disappointed that I didn't have my thumb on an appropriate category, it finally hit me today where I had last seen/read this formula... Doc Savage. I read the first book at least 15 years ago, if not more, but they have modernized Doc Savage and his band of heroes. Ham, Johnny, Monk, Renny, even the Doc's female cousin (Pat) now has a son of her own rather than being the female always in trouble.

This show should be looked at more like a Marvel hero movie with its larger than life characters and adventures. They are characters in which we should not want to emulate who they are because of their personal defaults, but we should want to emulate their belief in trying to make the world better and safer.

This is a show about super heroes, not a police drama about what criminals are doing.
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Simply the Worst Script in American History
sagrilarus-114-57189823 September 2014
This show may have "promise", and the actors involved may be talented, but the script was less believable than Sharknado.

My God! Planes can't land! So have one fly the length of the runway with a car speeding under it so we can get software from it! Here's a thought, land the plane, walk up to it, and plug in. Here's another thought -- just land ALL the planes with a old fashioned radio communications like they do ever day at airports with power failures. Lazy, lazy, lazy writing based on a stupid premise.

Oh my God! There's a bug in the software! The genius in the show carries out basic project management to correct the problem. But! With lots of car chases. A show about geniuses that was mostly car chases.

Script must have been written by a 19 year old, and not one that would fit into the show's cast of characters.
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