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Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Poster

Chris Hemsworth: Thor



  • Thor : Hey, let's do 'Get Help'.

    Loki : What?

    Thor : 'Get Help'.

    Loki : No.

    Thor : Come on. You love it.

    Loki : I hate it.

    Thor : It's great. It works every time.

    Loki : It's humiliating.

    Thor : Do you have a better plan?

    Loki : No.

    Thor : We're doing it.

    Loki : We are not doing 'Get Help'.

    [Thor carries Loki out of the elevator in front of the guards] 

    Thor : Get help! Please! My brother is dying! Get help! Help him!

    [as the guard approach them, Thor throws Loki at them, knocking them down] 

    Thor : A classic.

    Loki : [gets up]  I still hate it. It's humiliating.

    Thor : Not for me, it's not.

  • Thor : How did you end up here?

    Korg : Well, I tried to start a revolution, but didn't print enough pamphlets so hardly anyone turned up. Except for my mum and her boyfriend, who I hate. As punishment, I was forced to be in here and become a gladiator. Bit of a promotional disaster that one, but I'm actually organizing another revolution. I don't know if you'd be interested in something like that? Do you reckon you'd be interested?

  • [a chained Thor is dropped from his cage to face Surtur in his throne] 

    Surtur : Thor, son of Odin.

    Thor : Surtur! Son of... a bitch! You're still alive! I thought my father killed you like, half a million years ago.

    Surtur : I cannot die. Not until I fulfill my destiny, and lay waste to your home.

    Thor : You know, it's funny you should mention that. Because I've been having these terrible dreams of late! Asgard up in flames. Falling to ruins. And you, Surtur. The center of all of it.

    Surtur : Then you have seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard, the great prophecy...

    Thor : [rotates away from Surtur briefly]  Hang on! Hang on. I'll be... back around shortly, you know, I really feel like we were connecting there. Now... okay, so, Ragnarök, tell me about that. Walk me through it.

    Surtur : My time has come when my crown is reunited with the Eternal Flame! I shall be restored to my full might, and will tower over the mountains to bury my sword deep into Asgard!

    Thor : [rotates again]  Hang on! Give it a second... I swear, I'm not even moving! It's doing this on its own!

  • Hulk : Hulk always... always angry.

    Thor : I know. We're the same, you and I. Just a couple of hot-headed fools.

    Hulk : Yeah, same. Hulk like fire, Thor like water.

    Thor : Well, we're kind of both like fire.

    Hulk : But Hulk like real fire. Like... raging fire. Thor like smouldering fire.

  • Thor : She's too strong. Without my hammer, I can't...

    Odin : Are you Thor, the god of hammers?

  • [after knocking down Hulk, Thor approaches him] 

    Thor : [copies Black Widow]  Hey, big guy. Sun's getting real low. I don't want to hurt you anymore.

    [Hulk grabs Thor and flattens him with repeated smashes into the floor] 

    Loki : [cheers]  YES! That's what it feels like!

    Loki : [to the Grandmaster]  I'm just a big fan of the sport.

  • Thor : [to the Hulk]  So much has happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer, like yesterday, so that's still fresh. Then I went on a journey of self-discovery. Then I met you.

  • Valkyrie : This team of yours, it got a name?

    Thor : Yeah, it's called the... uh... Revengers!

  • [Thor turns on the Quinjet's computer and places his hand on the handprint scanner] 

    Quinjet Computer : Welcome. Voice activation required.

    Thor : Thor.

    Quinjet Computer : Access denied.

    Thor : Thor, God of Thunder.

    Quinjet Computer : Access denied.

    Thor : Son of Odin.

    Quinjet Computer : Access denied.

    Thor : Strongest Avenger.

    Quinjet Computer : Access denied.

    Thor : Strongest Avenger!

    Quinjet Computer : Access denied.


    Thor : Damn you, Stark. Point Break.

    Quinjet Computer : Welcome, Point Break.

  • [at a retirement home] 

    Loki : [in a dark suit]  I left him right here.

    Thor : [in casual wear]  You mean on the pavement outside, or actually in the building currently being demolished?

    Loki : How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch!

    Thor : Well, you're dressed like one.

  • Bruce Banner : [on Loki]  I was just talking to him just a couple minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us.

    Valkyrie : He did try to kill me.

    Thor : Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "Blergh, it's me!". And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.

  • Thor : If you knew where he was, why didn't you call me?

    Dr. Stephen Strange : I had to tell you. He did not want to be disturbed. Your father. He had chosen to remain in exile. And you don't have a phone.

    Thor : No, I don't have a phone but you could have sent me an electronic letter. It's called an email.

    Dr. Stephen Strange : Yeah. Do you have a computer?

    Thor : No. What for?

  • [the Hulk takes on Surtur] 

    Thor : Hulk, no! Just for once in your life, don't smash!

    Hulk : But big monster!

    Valkyrie : Hulk, let's go!

    [Hulk looks at Valkyrie and Thor] 

    Hulk : Friends.

    [goes with Thor and Valkyrie, leaving Surtur behind] 

  • Thor : A creepy old man cut my hair off!

  • Thor : Has anyone here fought the Grandmaster's champion?

    Korg : Yeah. Doug has. Hey, Doug. Could you come over here? Oh, yeah, I forgot, Doug's dead. Anyone who fights the Grandmaster's champion perished. You're not actually thinking about fighting him, are you?

    Thor : Yes, I am. I'm gonna fight him, win, and get the hell off this planet!

    Korg : That's exactly what Doug used to say! See you later, New Doug!

  • Thor : I think we should disband the Revengers.

    Loki : Hit her with a lightning blast.

    Thor : I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing.

    Valkyrie : We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board.

    Thor : It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now.

    Valkyrie : So what do we do?

    Loki : I'm not doing 'get help'.

  • [first lines] 

    [Thor is thrown into Muspelheim in chains] 

    Thor : I know what you're thinking. "Oh, no. Thor's in a cage. How did this happen?" Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of something. It's a long story. Basically, I'm a bit of a hero. See, I've spent some time on Earth... for the record, I saved the planet a couple of times. Then I went searching through the cosmos for a couple of magic colorful Infinity Stone things... but didn't find any. That's when I came across a path of death, and destruction. Which led me all the way here to this cage... where I met you.

    [looks at a skeleton] 

  • Thor : Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were going to fight side-by-side forever, but at the end of the day you're you and I'm me and... oh, maybe there's still good in you but... let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago.

    Loki : [emotional]  Yeah... it's probably for the best that we'll never see each other again.

    Thor : That's what you always wanted.

    [pats Loki on the back] 

  • Thor : [about Mjolnir]  Every time I threw it, it would always come back to me.

    Korg : It sounds like you had a pretty special and intimate relationship with this hammer and that losing it was almost comparable to losing a loved one.

    Thor : [pauses]  That's a nice way of putting it.

  • Thor : I don't hang with the Avengers anymore. It all got too corporate.

  • Thor : I am Thor, son of Odin!

    Hela : Really? You don't look like him.

    Loki : Perhaps we can come to an arrangement...

    Hela : YOU sound like him.

  • Thor : Hela, the goddess of death, has invaded Asgard! And you and I had a fight.

    Bruce Banner : Did I win?

    Thor : No, I won! Easily!

    Bruce Banner : That doesn't sound right...

    Thor : Well, it's true!

  • Thor : [to Valkyrie]  You know, I used to want to be a Valkyrie when I was younger, until I found out you were all women. There's nothing wrong with women, of course, I like women. Sometimes a little too much. Not in a creepy way, just more like a respectful appreciation. I think it's great, an elite force of women warriors.

  • Grandmaster : [from trailer]  It's main event time. And now, I give you your Incredible, Astonishingly Savage...

    [the Hulk bursts through the stadium door] 

    Thor : YES!

    [everyone in the stadium looks confused] 

    Thor : Hey, hey! We know each other! He's a friend from work! Where have you been? Everybody thought you were dead! So much has happened since I last saw you. I lost my hammer like, yesterday so that's still pretty fresh. Loki, he's alive! Can you believe it? He's up there. Hey Loki! Look who it is!

  • Surtur : You cannot stop Ragnarok. Why fight it?

    Thor : Because that's what heroes do!

  • Thor : We have to stop her here and now, and prevent Ragnarok, the end of everything! So I'm putting together a team.

    Loki : Like the old days.

  • Grandmaster : Hey Sparkles, here's the deal: you want to get back to ass-place, ass-berg...

    Thor : ASGARD!

    Grandmaster : Any contender who defeats my champion, their freedom they shall win.

    Thor : Fine. Then point me in the direction of whoever's ass I have to kick!

  • Thor : Where's Odin?

    Loki : You just couldn't stay away, could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering. You ruined everything! Ask them!

    Thor : Where's Father? Did you kill him?

    Loki : You have what you wanted. You have the independence you asked for. Ah!

    [Thor puts Mjolnir on his chest] 

    Loki : ouch, ok! I know exactly where he is.

    Loki : [Thor & Loki transport to NYC via Bifrost. Arrived at Shady Acres Care Home that's being demolished to ruins]  I swear I left him right here.

    Thor : Right here on the sidewalk or right here where the building's being demolished? Great planning!

    Loki : How was I supposed to know? I can't the see the future. I'm not a witch.

    Thor : No? Then why are you dressed like one?

    Loki : [Annoyed]  Hey!

    Thor : I can't believe you're alive! I saw you die. I mourned you. I cried for you.

    Loki : I'm... honored?

  • [Grandmaster is announcing the Hulk into the Sakaaran Arena] 

    Grandmaster : ...The champion! The Defending! I give you, your Incredible...

    [Hulk enters the arena, roars] 

    Loki : [to himself]  I have to get off this planet.

    Grandmaster : [Runs into Loki as he is trying to run away]  Whoa, whoa, where are you going? Sit down.

    Hulk : HULK! HULK! HULK!

    Thor : [to the Grandmaster]  Hey! Hey! We know each other, he's a friend from work!

    Thor : [to Hulk]  Where have you been? Everyone thought you were dead! There's so much that's happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer, like yesterday so that's still pretty fresh. Loki, Lok - Loki's alive, can you believe it? He's up there!

    [Hulk glances at Loki] 

    Thor : Hey, Loki! Look who it is!

    [Loki is horrorstruck] 

  • Thor : I'm not as strong as you.

    Odin : No... you're stronger.

  • [Thor throws Mjolnir at Hela, she catches it] 

    Thor : It's not possible.

    Hela : Darling, you have no idea what's possible.

    [Hela crushes the hammer] 

  • Thor : [aboard the Commodore]  Where are the weapons?

    Valkyrie : There aren't any! It's a leisure vessel.

    Bruce Banner : What?

    Valkyrie : The Grandmaster uses it for his good times: orgies and stuff.

    Bruce Banner : Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?

    Thor : Yeah. Don't touch anything.

  • Bruce Banner : I don't know how to fly this thing!

    Thor : You're a doctor, you have PhDs. You should figure it out.

    Bruce Banner : None of them for flying alien spaceships!

  • Valkyrie : I've spent years, in a haze, trying to forget my past. Sakaar seemed like the best place to drink, and to forget... and to die, one day.

    Thor : Well, I was thinking that you drink too much and it was probably gonna kill you.

    Valkyrie : I don't plan to stop drinking. But... I don't wanna forget. I can't turn away anymore. So, if I'm gonna die, well, it might as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag.

  • [a barber approaches Thor with blades] 

    Barber : Now don't you move. My hands ain't as steady as they used to be!

    Thor : [tough]  By Odin's beard, you shall not cut my hair, lest you feel the wrath of the mighty Thor!


    Thor : [terrified]  Please, kind sir, do not cut my hair. NO! NOOO!

  • Hela : Kneel.

    Loki : I'm sorry?

    Hela : [draws a sword]  Kneel, before your queen.

    Thor : I don't think so.

  • Heimdall : Where to?

    Thor : I'm not sure. Any suggestions? Miek? Where are you from?

    Korg : Oh, Miek's dead.

    Thor : Oh.

    Korg : Yeah, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I still felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day.

    [Miek moves] 

    Korg : Oh Miek you're alive! He's alive, guys! What was your question again, brov?

    Thor : ...Earth it is.

  • Thor : How do I escape?

    Heimdall : You're on a planet surrounded by doorways. Go through one.

    Thor : Which one?

    Heimdall : The big one!

  • Thor : Asgard's not a place, it's a people. This was never about stopping Ragnarok... it was about causing Ragnarok.

    Thor : [to Loki]  Go to the vault. Surtur's crown. It's the only way.

    Loki : Bold move, brother. Even for me.

    [runs off] 

  • Dr. Stephen Strange : Thor, I sense a great change in your future. Destiny has dire plans for you, my friend.

    Thor : I have dire plans for destiny.

  • Loki : Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to earth?

    Thor : Yes, of course. People on earth love me, I'm very popular.

    Loki : Let me rephrase that: Do you really think it's a good idea to bring ME back to earth?

    Thor : Probably not, to be honest. I wouldn't worry, Brother. I feel like everything's gonna work out fine.

    [Thanos's ship appears] 

  • [wielding blasters] 

    Thor : Hello!

    Loki : Hi.

    [open fire] 

  • Thor : You know, Father once told me that a wise man never seeks out war...

    Hela : ...but he must always be ready for it!

  • Loki : You know, I feel it won't make much of a difference...

    Thor : [sighs]  Loki...

    Loki : ...but this time, it's truly nothing personal. The reward for your capture

    [he sounds the alarm] 

    Loki : will set me up nicely.

    Thor : Never one for sentiment, were you?

    Loki : Easier to let it burn.

    Thor : [grins]  I agree.

    [Loki's eyes widen as Thor holds up the remote taser. He hits the button, electrocuting Loki, who falls to the ground. Thor walks over to him] 

    Thor : That looks painful. Dear brother, you're becoming predictable. I trust you, you betray me, round and round in circles we go. See Loki, life is about... It's about growth, it's about change, but you seem to just want to stay the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll always be the god of mischief, but you could be more. I'll just put this over here for you.

    [he tosses the remote aside] 

  • Thor : Banner! Hey, Banner!

    Hulk : No Banner, only Hulk!

  • Bruce Banner : [points at his brain]  Biggest muscle in the body.

    Thor : I've got more muscle, so technically more brains!

  • Loki : Here's the thing. I'm probably better off staying here on Sakaar.

    Thor : That's exactly what I was thinking.

    Loki : ...Did you just agree with me?

    Thor : This place is perfect for you. It's savage, chaotic, lawless. Brother, you're going to do GREAT here.

    Loki : Do you truly think so little of me?

    Thor : Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought we were going to fight side-by-side forever, but at the end of the day you're you and I'm me and... oh, maybe there's still good in you but... let's be honest, our paths diverged a long time ago.

    Loki : [emotional]  Yeah... it's probably for the best that we'll never see each other again.

    Thor : That's what you always wanted.

    [pats Loki on the back] 

  • Hela : You're still alive.

    Thor : I love what you've done with the place. Redecorated and everything.

    Hela : It would seem our father's solution to every problem was to cover it up.

    Thor : Or cast it out. He told you you were worthy. He said the same thing to me.

    Hela : You see, you never knew him, not at his best. Odin and I drowned entire civilizations in blood and tears. Where do you think all this gold came from? And then one day he decided to become a benevolent king. To foster peace, to protect life. To have you.

    Thor : I understand why you're angry. And you are my sister, and technically have a claim to the throne. And believe me, I would love for someone else to rule. But it can't be you. You're just the worst.

    Hela : Okay. Get up. You're in my seat.

  • Thor : I choose to run towards my problems, and not away from them. Because's that what heroes do.

  • Thor : If you were here, I might even give you a hug.

    Loki : ...I am here...

  • Thor : I've been having terrible dreams as of late. Every night I see Asgard falling to ruins.

    Odin : That's just a silly dream, signs of an overactive imagination.

    Thor : Possibly. But then I decide to go out there and investigate, and what do I find but the Nine Realms completely in chaos? Enemies of Asgard assembling, plotting our demise, all while you, Odin, the protector of those Nine Realms are sitting here, in your bathrobe, eating *grapes.*

    Odin : Yes, well, it is best to respect our neighbors' freedom.

    Thor : Yes, of course. The freedom to be *massacred*.

    [he threateningly tosses Mjolnir at Odin before catching it] 

    Odin : Well, I've been rather busy myself.

    Thor : [sarcastically]  Watching theatre?

    Odin : Well... Board meetings and security council meetings...

    Thor : You're really gonna make me do it?

    Odin : Do what?

    Thor : [Thor throws Mjolnir as far as he can, then stand behind Odin with a hand on his neck]  You know that nothing will stop Mjolnir as it returns to my hand. Not even your face!

    Odin : [stammers]  You've gone quite mad, you... You'll be executed for this!

    Thor : Then I'll see you on the other side, *brother!*

    Loki : [as Mjolnir streaks towards him, "Odin" reveals himself as a disguised Loki]  Alright, I yield!

    [Thor shoves Loki aside just in time, catching the hammer in his hand] 

  • Bruce Banner : You're just using me to get to the Hulk. That's low. You're not my friend.

    Thor : No, no, no. I don't even like Hulk. He's always like, grr... smash, smash, smash. I prefer you.

  • Thor : Perhaps you're not so bad after all, brother.

    Loki : Maybe not.

    Thor : Thank you, Loki.

  • Thor : Let me get this straight. You're going to put your crown into the Eternal Flame, and you suddenly grow big as a house?

    Surtur : A MOUNTAIN!

    Thor : The Eternal Flame that Odin keeps locked away in Asgard?

    Surtur : Odin is not on Asgard. And your absence has left the throne defenseless.

    Thor : Okay. So, where is this crown?

    Surtur : [points at the crown]  This is my crown. The source of my power!

    Thor : Oh, that's your crown? I thought it was a big eyebrow.

    Surtur : It's a crown!

    Thor : Anyway, it sounds like all I have to do to stop Ragnarok is rip that thing off your head.

    Surtur : But Ragnarok has already begun! You cannot stop it! I am Asgard's doom, and so are you! All will suffer, all will burn!

    Thor : Oh, that's intense. You know to be honest, seeing you grow really big and set fire to a planet would be quite the spectacle. But it looks like I'll have to choose Option B, where I bust out of these chains, knock that tiara off your head, and stash you away in Asgard's vault.

  • Thor : So Earth has... wizards now, huh?

    [accidentally destroys a relic] 

    Dr. Stephen Strange : The preferred term is Master of The Mystic Arts. You can leave that now.

  • Grandmaster : [broadcast]  It's bad news, bad news today. Sakaar, hear ye. Attention, please. I have some bad news. My beloved, exalted Champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets. Celebrate my champion. It seems that that criminally seductive Lord of Thunder has stolen him away.

    Thor : Seductive GOD of Thunder!

  • Heimdall : Where to?

    Thor : I'm not sure. Any suggestions? Miek? Where are you from?

    Korg : Oh, Miek's dead.

    Thor : Oh.

    Korg : Yeah, I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I still felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day.

    Korg : Oh Miek you're alive! He's alive guys! What was your question again, brov?

    Thor : Earth it is.

  • Hela : I don't know your game, but you can not stop me!

    Thor : No.

    [Surtur appears] 

    Thor : But he can.

  • Thor : Quite unique. It was made from this special metal from the heart of a dying star. And when i spun it really, really fast it gave me the ability to fly.

    Korg : You rode a hammer?

    Thor : No, I didn't ride the hammer

    Korg : The hammer ride you on your back?

    Thor : No, I would spin it really fast and it would pull me off the...

    Korg : Oh my god, the hammer pulled you off?

    Thor : The ground! It would pull me off the ground, into the air and I would fly.

  • Grandmaster : What happened to my manners? I haven't properly introduced myself. Come on. Follow me. My name is Grandmaster. I preside over a little harlequinade called the Contest of Champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it. And you, my friend, might just be part of the new cast. What do you say to that?

    Thor : We're not friends, and I don't give a shit about your games!

  • Thor : What have I done?

    Heimdall : You saved us from extinction. Asgard is not a place, it's a people.

  • Surtur : You have made a grave mistake, Odinson.

    Thor : I make grave mistakes all the time. Everything seems to work out...

  • Loki : Fine. I guess I'll just have to go it alone. Like I've always done. Would you say something? Say something!

    Thor : What would you like me to say? You faked your own death, you stole the throne, stripped Odin of his power, stranded him on Earth... to die, releasing the Goddess of Death. Have I said enough, or do you do you want me to go further back than the past two days?

  • Topaz : [to Grandmaster]  We've located your cousin.

    Grandmaster : Huh?... Oh good!...

    [to Thor] 

    Grandmaster : You're going to love this!

    [to Carlo] 

    Grandmaster : Hey cuz... We couldn't find you! What, have you been hiding?

    Cousin Carlo : [Begging and whimpering]  No!... I'm sorry!

    Grandmaster : [Nodding sympathetically]  Mmhmm.

    [Makes hand gesture like Nazi from Schindler's List] 

    Grandmaster : Carlo, I pardon you.

    Cousin Carlo : [Nodding with clear relief]  Oh, thank you!

    Grandmaster : You're officially pardoned... from life!

    [Melts Carlo into bubbling blue mess and haze. The Grandmaster looks away in disgust] 

    Cousin Carlo : Aaauugh!

    [to Thor] 

    Cousin Carlo : Help me!

    Thor : [Watching this in wide-eyed horror]  Oh... my... GOD!

    Grandmaster : [Scrambling backwards]  I'm stepping it. I'm stepping in it! Look! Wow!

    Thor : Oh, the-the smell!

    Grandmaster : What does it smell like?

    Topaz : Burnt toast.

  • Thor : [sees residents of Sakaar]  Hi there...

    [they put him in a net] 

  • Surtur : [wields his sword]  Tremble before me Asgard, for I am your reckoning!

    Valkyrie : The people are safe. That's all it matters.

    Thor : We're fulfilling the prophecy.

    Valkyrie : I hate this prophecy.

    Thor : So do I. But we have no choice.

  • [deleted scene] 

    [Dr Strange puts Loki in a port-a-potty] 

    Loki : [rescued by Thor]  Took you long enough!

    Thor : I couldn't find the key.

    Loki : Everyone has a key!

  • Thor : Hela! Enough! You want Asgard? It's yours.

    Hela : Whatever game you're playing, it won't work. You can't defeat me.

    Thor : No, I know... But he can.

    [gestures behind him] 

    Thor : [Surtur appears in his true form, wielding his flaming sword] 

    Hela : NO!

  • Grandmaster : Here's what I wanna know. Who are you?

    Thor : I - am - the God of Thunder!

    [raises his arms as energy flows over his hands] 

    Grandmaster : [amused]  I didn't hear any thunder, but out of your fingers - was that sparkles?

  • Thor : If you help me get back to Asgard, I can help you get back to Earth.

    Hulk : Earth hate Hulk.

    Thor : Earth loves Hulk. They love you. You're one of the Avengers. One of the team, one of our friends. This is what friends do. They support each other.

    Hulk : You're Banner's friend.

    Thor : I'm not Banner's friend. I prefer you.

    Hulk : Banner's friend.

    Thor : I don't even like Banner.

    [Imitating Banner] 

    Thor : "I'm into numbers and science and stuff."

  • Hulk : Thor go. Hulk stay.

    Thor : Fine. Stay here. Stupid place. It's hideous, by the way. The red, the white. Just pick a color. Ridiculous.

  • Hulk : Thor sad.

    Thor : Shut up.

    Hulk : [shoves him]  Thor sad.

    Thor : I'm not sad, idiot. I'm pissed off!

    [Hulk groans] 

    Thor : Angrier! I lost my father!

    [kicks the stuff] 

    Thor : I lost my hammer!

    [Hulk scoffs and turns away] 

    Hulk : Whining and crying, cry like baby!

    Thor : You're not even listening!

    [kicks the weapons at Hulk] 

    Hulk : Don't kick stuff!

    [picks up the stuff and throws at him] 

    Thor : You're being a really bad friend!

    Hulk : You bad friend!

    Thor : You know what we call you?

    Hulk : No!

    Thor : We call you a stupid Avenger.


    [throws the axe shield at him] 

    Thor : What are you, crazy?

    Hulk : Yes!

    Thor : You know what? Earth does hate you.

  • Loki : [sees Thor examining his eye patch]  It suits you.

    Thor : Well, maybe you're not so bad after all, brother.

    Loki : [smiles]  Maybe not.

    Thor : Thank you. If you were here, I might even give you a hug.

    [tosses decanter top at Loki] 

    Loki : [catches it]  I'm here.

  • Bruce Banner : Why did you dress me up like Tony?

    Thor : Because you were naked.

    Bruce Banner : Okay, I'll give you that.

  • Thor : Nope, we are going through the big one.

    Valkyrie : The devil's anus?

    Bruce Banner : Anus? Wait, wait, wait, whose anus?

    Thor : For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it

See also

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