My wife Nusrat Ahmed and I have watched so far 20 episodes and basically love the drama. It has great storyline, excellent star cast and very good direction. I only hope the quality is preserved with no unrealistic melo dramas and conclusions and the story is brought to a realistic, just and credible closure. Well done team so far. What we particularly appreciate is the real life development of the story theme. The events depicted are realistic and can happen in actual life. The only weakness in the story so far is Ushna's inability to see the good side of Munawar and the bad side of his foster mother. She keeps on trusting Munawar's foster mother even though she received ugly reception from her after the marriage and even after learning from Munawar that she is a foster mother and has another son who is the real culprit. She should be able to relate this to why the foster mother is bad mouthing Munawar. Hope this weakness can be cured soon.