I hate movies where the antagonist gets the upper hand simply because the protagonist is an idiot. This is one such movie.
Clueless rich girl is the new girl at school and decides to cosplay being poor to "feel normal". Rich girl is shocked when she is mercilessly bullied. She even has a knife pulled on her ....WHAT? How is a student even able to have a knife at school? The daughter of rich girl's maid has decided to seize the opportunity to pretend to be said rich girl, her and her two followers proceed to be cartoonishly evil to rich girl. Early on, rich girl decides to confess (sans any proof) that she is the true heiress, of course nobody believes her. Rich girl later has plenty of opportunities to provide proof of her identity, but doesn't because....reasons.
Plot was silly and full of holes (wouldn't teachers and administrators have both girls' full names?), sound was hollow in one scene, acting ranged from decent to cringey. The protagonist is bland, the antagonist is one- dimensional as are several of the supporting characters.
Even though she is bullied, given detention repeatedly, accused of being a liar and a thief, rich girl keeps up the facade because it's so important to her to be a normal teen, even though most of what she goes through is not a normal teen experience. 3/10.