- Major Anderson: Yes, and taking advantage of the area's already high radiation levels, Delilah can also detect recent organic traces.
- Colonel Asimov: Major, are you willing to die for this mission? Then, read my lips; permission denied. And stop being so
- [sighs]
- Colonel Asimov: sexy.
- Lobo: Why didn't you throw Blondie in the tunnel right away? She'd be dead already and we wouldn't have to worry about it now, there'd be no more fuss. Turned in to an abscess, you know, the girl, the daughter of your, your buddy. It's like a bad toothache now. Like a rotting tooth in my fuckin' head with three roots. Yeah.
- Sponge: Scrooge was right. Ron Hubbard was right. Charlie Manson was right. The Viagra folks were right. And so were the people behind the Club Mediterranee.
- Sponge: [Opening lines, voiceover] Julian Assange was right. Noam Chomsky was right. Dan Brown was right. So were all the anonymous gangs and Bilderberger freaks. They were spot on. So were Kim DotCom and the Twin Tower tinfoil crowd, the Wikileaks, Wikipedia and all the other fucking wikis and open sources of the net. Except for the Nibiru teams. Nibiru were a pile of horseshit. But anyway they're all dead now, dead and forgotten, and the world's another place. The Illuminati and the rating agencies grabbed all the power, and those countries that didn't join the Confederation were bankrupted and decimated with peace missions and in the end filled with radioactive waste. The masses, with their cubicle jobs and their families, their monthly installments. Well, it's obvious, it's never easy to open people's eyes. Now we're the only ones left. Still putting up the fight.
- Colonel Asimov: Coogan?
- Sergeant Coogan: Sir?
- Colonel Asimov: Aren't you cold?
- Sergeant Coogan: No sir.
- Colonel Asimov: Are you not afraid your dick will freeze? Your fly is open. Can you fix it?
- Ryan Willburn: You seem like a different man now.
- Colonel Asimov: And you sound like a fortune cookie.
- Ryan Willburn: And that sounds like the morality of a well trained guard dog. Is that what you spew to your victims before you just dump them in mass graves, like some kind of death lullaby?
- Colonel Asimov: You must be a psychic visionary.