"Divorce Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega" boasts a unique premise, a talented cast, and a promising setup. While the show doesn't quite live up to its potential, it still manages to entertain with its lighthearted tone and engaging performances.
The story follows Nikhat and Ashutosh, two rival news anchors who find themselves accidentally married while investigating a marriage court scam. The series of misadventures and romantic entanglements that ensue have their moments, even if they don't always feel fresh or inspired.
The writing is where the show falters, relying on familiar clichés to drive the narrative forward. However, the cast does their best with the material. Rishabh Chadha and Abigail Pande share a decent chemistry, and their scenes together have some enjoyable moments. Pankit Thakker, in particular, brings a welcome spark to his scenes, and his comedic timing is on point. His presence adds a much-needed boost to the show's humor and energy.
Performance-wise, Rishabh Chadha tries a bit too hard to be cool, but he's still likable. Abigail Pande delivers a sincere performance, and the rest of the cast is decent in their respective roles.
Ultimately, "Divorce Ke Liye Kuch Bhi Karega" feels like a missed opportunity to create something truly special. Despite its promising premise, the show settles for a predictable and formulaic romantic comedy that fails to leave a lasting impact.