The Guest
The Guest, directed by Corey Barksdale, is a gripping short film crafted for the 48-Hour Film Festival Horror Edition. This intense thriller follows three friends, portrayed by Danielle Burr... Read allThe Guest, directed by Corey Barksdale, is a gripping short film crafted for the 48-Hour Film Festival Horror Edition. This intense thriller follows three friends, portrayed by Danielle Burr, Kiara Sanford, and Annie Rudie, as they experience an unexpected and eerie encounter. Wh... Read allThe Guest, directed by Corey Barksdale, is a gripping short film crafted for the 48-Hour Film Festival Horror Edition. This intense thriller follows three friends, portrayed by Danielle Burr, Kiara Sanford, and Annie Rudie, as they experience an unexpected and eerie encounter. What begins as a casual evening quickly spirals into a nightmare, revealing that some guests... Read all