"Sakene Khane ye Choobi" also known as "Residents Of The Log House" is about a little girl named Kimia who confides only to a scarecrow and her uncle about her hidden illness. When her fathe... Read all"Sakene Khane ye Choobi" also known as "Residents Of The Log House" is about a little girl named Kimia who confides only to a scarecrow and her uncle about her hidden illness. When her father, Bahram, learns of her situation, he tries to save her but it may be too late."Sakene Khane ye Choobi" also known as "Residents Of The Log House" is about a little girl named Kimia who confides only to a scarecrow and her uncle about her hidden illness. When her father, Bahram, learns of her situation, he tries to save her but it may be too late.