Lol Wow, did this movie ever take an about turn in its final act! I was enjoying this perfectly well as a drama about a man fleeing physical and mental abuse at his beautiful lover but the unbelievably ridiculous and out of nowhere sci-fi turn the plot takes just completely obliterated all of that, the guy was a robot or something? It didn't work and was just completely unnecessary and meaningless, it was would have worked fine enough if he'd have been hallucinating or something because of hunger and some weird sneaky sh@t the creepy little therapist was doing, I was enjoying the drama, the lead actor was quite good and sincere and it was to me poignant and pretty relatable when he was wrestling between sticking to his guns and calling his boyfriend to teIl him where he was, you don't generally get that brought up very often in movies when it's two guys involved. But when he very unexpectedly starts spouting alien gobbledegook at the end well, the damn movie is rendered pretty much worthless! The twist is just so very hackneyed and amateurish and just completely sends the movie totally careening and flying off the rails and it's one of the worst most poorly done plot twists I've ever seen in a ton of movies, sadly it's one to avoid because instead of being the drama with dark edges it was clearly meant to be, it tries to be a little too much and succeeds at nothing... What a total drag man!