- TV Mini Series
- 2020
"Daydreamers" is an adult series that tells the story of Rafa, a 14-year-old boy with a vivid imagination, rare artistic sensitivity, and intelligence, who lives in Salvador. Rafa's biggest ... Read all"Daydreamers" is an adult series that tells the story of Rafa, a 14-year-old boy with a vivid imagination, rare artistic sensitivity, and intelligence, who lives in Salvador. Rafa's biggest challenge is dealing with his parents' separation and the changes brought on by this event... Read all"Daydreamers" is an adult series that tells the story of Rafa, a 14-year-old boy with a vivid imagination, rare artistic sensitivity, and intelligence, who lives in Salvador. Rafa's biggest challenge is dealing with his parents' separation and the changes brought on by this event, all while navigating the (buzzing) discoveries of adolescence. All of this is set to the... Read all