... you make a movie that:
- has awful cinematography (like I could have literally made a movie just like this one using my mobile phone. That's how bad it was)
- has awful soundtrack, most of which were christian songs with voices or playbacks;
- has an awful script that sometimes skips hugely important parts and never makes you feel the fulfilment the main character had;
- has awful dialogue, and I mean like horrible... the most cliche dialogue you would imagine wouldn't compare with this one;
- can't even make you believe for one second that the world that it presents is in any way real or feels real;
- has problems emphasising the importance of the story, nor develops the characters or gives them any depth whatsoever...
I could go on like this but to make it short and clear... I think this is an atrocious bad movie that unfortunately falls into the category of "small budget propaganda" christian type movies. There are more inspirational videos on youtube that will make your time worth. I am a christian and I believe in God, but I can't enjoy a movie that lacks everything that makes it a movie in the first place, and that's: Good story, good screenplay, good acting, good music and good enough cinematography. This movie only had a somewhat good story or better said good-intended story because the actual result was a total mess.
I don't even know if this movie got any cinema release or if it was made only for DVD release and sold to christian TV channels. There are many christian thematical movies out there that are way better than this. And there are movies with huge budgets and work poured into them that have even lower rating than this movie. That's why I'm giving it a 3/10. It's not total garbage but it's close. It's so sad to see such an interesting concept of a story wasted in such a bad movie. It's just very very sad...