16 reviews
Heartbreaking case for the family of Laci and Conner. Life altering event for then naive Amber Frey, who is an imperfect person trying to do the right thing. Scott gives me the ick, doesn't mean he's guilty, although a lot of circumstantial evidence points towards his guilt. While Mr. Peterson is an adulterer, this does not mean he murdered anyone. Logically, it was a case built on circumstantial evidence. This documentary does reflect the possibility of reasonable doubt in Peterson's conviction and trial by media; however, it ends without a conclusion to the DNA testing as requested by the LA innocence project as pending. While the decision to take Mr Peterson off Death Row appears legally valid as the conviction was based on circumstantial evidence, will be curious what the DNA testing will show. I also find it interesting so many of the DNA requests were denied and who isn't curious about the burnt out van, so there is culpability on behalf of the prosecution as well. Mixed feelings on this, agree with overturning the death penalty, but unlike the Netflix documentary that was released days before, there is no input from the friends and family of the victims. Just Scott, still sending out the ick vibes.
- remily-25527
- Aug 25, 2024
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There have been multiple documentaries about this case, and this one doesn't tell us anything new just because Scott speaks. I don't see a man broken because he was falsely convicted, I see someone who thinks that he's served enough time and wants another chance at life.
He offers no explanation of why he drove 90 miles to go fishing on a day that was too cold and wet to play golf.
He demonstrates no discernible distress at the loss of Laci, or that of his child.
He still comes across as disingenuous and self-focused. He doesn't seem concerned with finding the 'real' killer/s, just in convincing the audience that he had nothing to do with the deaths.
He calls Amber a liar, and claims that he made no promises about their relationship and future despite recordings implying a commitment.
The dedication of his sister-in-law beggars belief. She supports his innocence with a conviction that is bordering on unsettling.
I still feel that Scott Peterson is where he belongs and that he should die in jail.
He offers no explanation of why he drove 90 miles to go fishing on a day that was too cold and wet to play golf.
He demonstrates no discernible distress at the loss of Laci, or that of his child.
He still comes across as disingenuous and self-focused. He doesn't seem concerned with finding the 'real' killer/s, just in convincing the audience that he had nothing to do with the deaths.
He calls Amber a liar, and claims that he made no promises about their relationship and future despite recordings implying a commitment.
The dedication of his sister-in-law beggars belief. She supports his innocence with a conviction that is bordering on unsettling.
I still feel that Scott Peterson is where he belongs and that he should die in jail.
- jullouglobal
- Aug 21, 2024
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- stormyweather_keeps_raining
- Oct 1, 2024
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You would think after getting a 3.7 star rating on their previous Casey Anthony docuseries that they would stop glorifying killers. Clearly not.
Yet another bias Peacock docuseries that disrespects victims. This doc is basically a retelling of the 2017 A&E doc. Once again it's Scott's sister in law running the show, misleading viewers, and bold faced lies. She and the rest of his family are out of touch with reality. Lookup an online list of every piece of evidence against him and you'll see the massive list of "coincidences", which the family believes is just pure bad luck and poor ol' Scott is innocent.
Skip this watch the new very well made Netflix one, "American Murder: Laci Peterson." This one is based in reality (which is likely why Scott refused to partake in it, instead going along with this unbelievable story, which is a slap in the face for Laci, Conner, and her family. Peacock did the same thing for Casey Anthony, and seems that that their 3.7/10 rating for that one would make them stop, they did it again. Horrible.
Yet another bias Peacock docuseries that disrespects victims. This doc is basically a retelling of the 2017 A&E doc. Once again it's Scott's sister in law running the show, misleading viewers, and bold faced lies. She and the rest of his family are out of touch with reality. Lookup an online list of every piece of evidence against him and you'll see the massive list of "coincidences", which the family believes is just pure bad luck and poor ol' Scott is innocent.
Skip this watch the new very well made Netflix one, "American Murder: Laci Peterson." This one is based in reality (which is likely why Scott refused to partake in it, instead going along with this unbelievable story, which is a slap in the face for Laci, Conner, and her family. Peacock did the same thing for Casey Anthony, and seems that that their 3.7/10 rating for that one would make them stop, they did it again. Horrible.
- garrettvc-24115
- Aug 20, 2024
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Scott Peterson was is guilty, no question. He like thousands of husbands and boyfriends with "missing" partners just not that concerned. Oh yeah she is gone, I'll eat pizza, not look for her, not try her cell phone, lie about cheating, lie about going golfing.. He like so many of these scumbags need to go to prison and stay there. Believe the dogs over a sociopath. If it were me.... And if one of my daughters was missing.. I would be door to door.., and if the bf or husband didn't put all effort in the search, water boarding would be the least of his problems. Can't believe Peacock would give this coward any time.
- jjlawler-98324
- Aug 21, 2024
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This was a motto I had grown up hearing and believing about our justice system, so when I grew up to find out just how many innocent people are found guilty - it's very daunting to accept and
It hurts my soul, just a little bit, that the only review of this tragedy is a one starred entitled 'snooze fest' - ok so as always when reviewing a documentary one must determine if they're going to review the technical merits of the actual film OR the subject matter - and for this review, because of my personal biases (although thats counterintuitive) I've chosen the latter - those biases being that I've believe, at a minimum that there was sufficient reasonal doubt in this case (again I know 'significant' doesn't really need to be a qualifier with reasonable doubt - it merely exists or does not - and it DEFINITELY exits), as well as once I began to familiarize myself with the case, for the last decade or so, I tend to believe in his innocence - NOT his being 'not guilty' but his innocence. I do not wish to compound any more grief on the family or in any way DETRACT from the fact that Laci Peterson and her unborn child were killed and the utter tragedy of that alone - but to compound it by having possibly held the wrong human accountable - and to think if that's true, how Laci herself might feel about Scott being held unjustly responsible, well that's just beyond tragic (and yes I know he behaved 'immorally' within his marriage, but I don't feel that translates to motivation for murder)
Anyway this all being said, independent of what my feelings of the case might be - if you have had any interest or knowledge about this case, you would CERTAINLY want to see this and become as informed as possible, wouldn't you? Truth is that after all the, and I hate to use this dog whistle word but, after all the 'indoctrination' and influence and conditioning that the media played in this case in particular - opinions need to be challenged with objective evidence - that's all I'm saying.
Anyway this all being said, independent of what my feelings of the case might be - if you have had any interest or knowledge about this case, you would CERTAINLY want to see this and become as informed as possible, wouldn't you? Truth is that after all the, and I hate to use this dog whistle word but, after all the 'indoctrination' and influence and conditioning that the media played in this case in particular - opinions need to be challenged with objective evidence - that's all I'm saying.
Waste of time, they obviously made this documentary on the heels of Lacy's documentary on Netflix. Scott is seen smiling throughout the series smiling and very nonchalant which rubbed me the wrong way. Also, when asked who killed Lacy, he blames the two men for that one burglary that happened across the street, how convenient to blame others when reasonable doubt clearly points at Scott Peterson. Then they have a so-called journalist who thinks he's a detective and says that Scott didn't have a motive ... um hello, they forget about Amber Frei?! This so-called documentary was biased toward Scott. Then they try and say that Lacy was abducted in a van that was found burned, even though there was zero evidence of Lacy's DNA. The reach is real with one. I wish I could take back the hours I spent watching this mess. Lastly, may Scott continue to rot in prison. R.i.p Lacy and Connor.
- ktmaupin-57979
- Aug 23, 2024
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What a waste of my time, couldn't continue after miserables 43 min.
Dude is a pathological liar that had a girlfriend while married, never showed any emotions , not even after 20 years later.
He absolutely dumped Laci's body with his unborn child into the sea.
I dont know what is going on exactly with these recent documentaries trying to show a different "perspective" about literally and convicted murders.
Save yourself there is nothing new here and I have no idea of why his cuckoo sister in law is trying to help this maniac.
This is a completely disservice to Laci and her family, there is literally a ton of evidence against Scott but people still have the nerve.
What a waste of my time, couldn't continue after miserables 43 min.
Dude is a pathological liar that had a girlfriend while married, never showed any emotions , not even after 20 years later.
He absolutely dumped Laci's body with his unborn child into the sea.
I dont know what is going on exactly with these recent documentaries trying to show a different "perspective" about literally and convicted murders.
Save yourself there is nothing new here and I have no idea of why his cuckoo sister in law is trying to help this maniac.
This is a completely disservice to Laci and her family, there is literally a ton of evidence against Scott but people still have the nerve.
- MonochromaticDhalia
- Aug 23, 2024
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Not very compelling. Scott Peterson still should not speak in his own defense. He comes off as not genuine and dismissive. Honestly all of the circumstantial evidence presented in the trial and other documentaries is very convincing. The people in this documentary also provide holes and other possible circumstantial evidence that would support Scott's innocence but it is not very strong. The timing of Scott telling (lying) Amber Frey that his wife was dead, his purchase of a boat (that no one knew of), his examination of tide tables, where he said he went "fishing" and where the bodies were found is beyond coincidental. His behavior particularly his continued communication with Amber Frey while the search was still going for his wife is suspicious.
- kellyadickinson
- Sep 26, 2024
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Where are the probing questions for Scott? The documentary doesn't ask Scott any questions that really matter or do much to prove that he is innocent. So he says he is an a-hole big deal we know that! Why would you leave your wife on Christmas Eve and pregnant no less to go fishing? Why would you lie from beginning to end and tell people you told your wife about the affair and she was ok about it! Really? There are very things that are very similar with Laci Patterson documentary but this one is clearly slanted towards Scott and not very impartial. Scott came off just as unbelievable then and as he does now.
From everything that I have watched previously to this documentary, I've always thought that Scott Peterson was guilty. But after today, I can't believe I am saying that I actually think it is possible that Scott Peterson did not kill Lacy. It was very clear that the police were only looking at Scott and did not consider any other evidence that would have proven reasonable doubt. When you watch this documentary, you can clearly see all the evidence that was withheld and it's very interesting that the LA Innocence Project is picking up his case. They don't mess around, and if they believe that there's enough evidence, think he deserves a second trial. Damn, over twenty years in prison. TO BE CONTINUED...
- ladyoz-15255
- Aug 29, 2024
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The filmmaker is OBSESSED with Scott and his family. This is the third (very biased) "documentary" she has made about Scott, always portraying him as a victim. It would be interesting if she made one documentary with the other perspective, but no, she's crazy about Scott. Just like Scott's weird sister in law; she's so in love with him to the point of being disturbing. Not even Scott's brother fights so much for him, but this woman, seriously... she's crazy. These two women are unreliable and obviously close friends. I will never be able to believe something that's made by them. I would watch other documentary about Scott if they weren't involved.
- wonderlandprisoner
- Oct 3, 2024
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- ashleylgrosz
- Aug 20, 2024
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