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This feels like a parody of the Expendables
user-130-30218822 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most terrible movies that I have ever seen this year. The editing is garbage and performances are even worse than YouTubers. For example, the first scene depicted a terrorist who wanted to kill some country's general. Without completing the action, the next scene immediately moved to sly and statham fighting over a ring and then switched back to the terrorist attack scene. There are many examples that show the film lacks of basic editing and storytelling skills. However, the worst part is the ending where they do a dumb twist that sly is faking his death to lure out the villain. How did he do that? He dragged an innocent man to the pilot seat so that the villain and the expendables thought the corpse was sly when the plane crashed. Excuse me, who is the bad guy now? They character assassinated basically everyone here. Lastly, Megan Fox cringes me to death with zero facial expression and bad dialogues.
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Dull action and cgi infested sequel that lost its steam.
cruise0123 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
2.5 out of 5 stars.

The Expendables 4 is a pretty bad action film that is a franchise that is supposed to have a stardom of actors and brutal action flick that pays homage to the 80s action films. This sequel falls off that list.

Plot is thin and forgettable. A predictable twist to the villain.

The cast ensemble is thin. Jason Statham is on the spotlight and taking the lead role which is great. While Stallone is sitting majority of the film out. Dolph Lundgren and Randy Coulture being the only original cast was okay. While new faces like 50 Cent, Jacob Scipio, Levy Tran, Iko Uwais, Tony Jaa, and Megan Fox are all decent. Mostly everyone is under utilized on screen while the action focuses on Statham.

The film has plenty of action sequences. The direction relies heavily on cgi on the action which nothing is as practical compared to the other films. The bad thing is the cgi is horrible. Most explosions looks like a bad video game effects. The fight scenes are cluttered. The director Scott Waugh did a poor job in handling the action sequences and giving every talent a spotlight in the action.

Overall, it is one of the worst Expendables film alongside the third film which the series is running on fumes.
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Bad action movie. Waste of time and money for an empty theater!
SPZMaxinema24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe they pulled a fast and furious fake death plot device, but I should've expected it at this point. This franchise needs to end after this movie for sure. I only saw this because I actually liked the first 3 (because of how fun they were, and this movie barely has any of the fun those movies had and shouldn't have been made, doesn't feel like the other 3 at all). It had almost no redeeming qualities. I guess I'll give it props for maybe a couple good action sequences and stunts (plus Levy Tran was hot) but that's all.

Megan Fox is suddenly a high ranked Expendable, why? Where did she come from all of the sudden?? All the cringe dialogue and gross sexual jokes that weren't even funny? Please. A villain that wasn't interesting too, too much shaky cam directing, and a waste of Sylvester Stallone. I guess also if you like Jason Statham you'd like this movie but for real, wasn't enough for me. What a disappointment!
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How to destroy a franchise
danielcereto13 October 2023
I am a big fan of Stallone's movies and Statham too. So, consequently I love the first two Expendables. Great action masterpieces. Third one was bland because a great mistake: PG-13. Then we got this abomination that has nothing to do with the spirit of the Expendables movies. I don't know how to start but I'll try.

First, the Fx's are horrible. Why? The movie has the graphics of my PC from 1996. I mean VGA level. How is it possible to approve an action movie that looks so cheap?... Stallone's action movies are always great in action, Fx's and choreographies. What happened here?...

Second, the cast looks more tired than my grandmother, she is 92. Dolph Lundgren is excusable because his illness, but what about the others?... Anyway, I can keep going but it is not necessary. If you love the first two Expendables just watch it again. Avoid this cr@p. The franchise is absolutely destroyed.
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Who is this for?!
benjaminskylerhill22 September 2023
This sequel nearly a decade in the making clearly isn't made for long-suffering fans of this franchise, as most of the iconic cast barely has any screen time. The title should've been "Jason Statham and some of the Expendables."

And this also isn't made for people who like dumb cheesy action movies, as this movie plays it completely straight most of the time, rarely allowing campiness to show.

It also isn't made for people who like slick, cool action movies, as director Scott Waugh continues this series' streak of having directors who can barely string a coherent series of shots together to tell a story. Nearly every shot looks cheap and the progression of events is clunky as hell.

Woeful incompetence is how I'd describe most of what's seen in this film. It truly has some of the worst special effects I've ever seen put to screen. And it still cost $100 million.

So, I ask again, who is this for? Whose idea was it to make an action sequel that will appeal to absolutely NONE of its potential audiences?

If it weren't for the fact that this movie does have a half-decent third act and one impressive fight scene, I'd be saying that this is easily the worst of these movies.

But it's a contender for that title, and even so, I can still say this is one of the worst action movies I've ever seen in theatres.
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A Movie That Needed A Better Director
dk77717 October 2023
A film that should have been better, but unfortunately had a mediocre director.

Not everything in the movie is bad, but overall this could have been a great movie.

Well, let's start with the good stuff:

Jason Statham works well in an action movie as usual. Stallone is in his element, although it would be better if he was a little more in the film. Iko Uwais is not bad at all as a villain and he is a good addition to the film. Andy Garcia is also a good choice for this movie. The rest of the team is mostly good, with a few exceptions, some should have maybe gotten a little more time in the movie.

And now, the bad part:

The biggest problem with this movie is the mediocre director. If they had a better director, this film could have been great, it turned out to be just tolerable, and that's because most of today's film production is garbage.

There is too much "shaky camera" that makes every movie look worse than it really is. Such scenes simply look cheap.

The CGI looks pretty bad, which is odd considering this isn't a cheap movie, but a bad director made it look cheap.

The film lacks that real cinematic look, I don't know if it's because of the type of camera, so everything looks too artificial, it doesn't have the look that older films had, where everything looked monumental. This looks like a documentary, with ultra-sharp resolution, and yet it looks cheap, as if we're looking through a window.

Basically, the director is the worst thing about this movie, everything else is not nearly as bad, not even some really hilarious casting choices.

In the end, the film could have been great, it turned out to be just another mediocre film, and it's sad that even as such it is better than most of what "modern film production" offers us today.
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2023's biggest turkey.
Sleepin_Dragon27 September 2023
An awful film, one that actually makes a mockery of The Cinema, anyone that watches trash like this, isn't going to rush back, for fear of having to sit through junk like this again.

An estimated budget of $100 million, if I waste money at work, I'd be sacked, you can only imagine the fallout od this movie for those st the top.

Excruciating viewing, I watched it because of an admiration for the first film, but this, I'm embarrassed for them, this is the worst film I've seen so far this year, it made Strays seem like a classic.

The only plus I can highlight, Jason Statham did at least try, he adds a few moments of humour, and does at least have some degree of sincerity. Now I know that both Sylvester Stallone and Dolph Lundgren have their fans, but their acting here, I'm not sure if wooden or diabolical spring to mind, my heart sinks to think what this turkey has done to both careers.

The script was woeful, and some of the dialogue had me cringing in my seat. Worst of all, The CGI, what on Earth were they thinking, it looks abysmal, where did the budget go, I'm assuming it's on the salaries.


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Fun but the weakest of the series
mablakeyack24 September 2023
Fun film for B or A- action film. Director was poor in camera work. Seriously stop the shaky cam. It's annoying. Fox maybe her worst acting job... which is saying a lot being such a mediocre actress anyway. However, if you like Meg this movie is more or less good for you.

I recommend low expectations as at best a popcorn action film. No crazy plot or insane action. Really typical action with a little over the top unrealistic action sequences we have come to know with this serious. I enjoyed the movie for what it was but I can understand why there is likely not going to be a 5th. I think the magic is pretty much gone.
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Classic example of "How not to direct an action film"
sahil_masrur19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So you've got Statham, Stallone, Lundgren, a bunch of new stars, Iko Uwais and Tony Jaa, and you come up with the most boring drag with dull action sequences. Scott Waugh whose filmography isn't great enough to start with (he made the most boring video game adaptation NFS).

Expendables was supposed to be a throwback to old action movies of Sly and Arnie's. But now its a discount Fast and Furious. Problem is instead of bringing directors who have the love for the action genre of 80s and 90s, but instead of that, they are bringing in new action directors. Like Simon West was a good choice.

Positives - 1. Jason Statham 2. The Opening Action Scene 3. Iko Uwais as the bad guy

Negatives - 1. Too many unnecessary characters who got nothing to do - specially Jacob Scipio, 50 Cents, Levy Tran, and Megan Fox.

2. The predictable fake out death 3. The predictable ending twist 4. Too little Tony Jaa 5. Too short Statham vs Uwais which lasts for only 2 mins.

6. The climax fight 7. Too little action sequences (only 2 major action sequences) 8. Noticable green screen/bad vfx.

If this film wasn't given a proper budget, they should have hired someone credible from Direct to DVD directors like Issac Florentine or William Kauffman. They know how to keep things interesting in a little budget.

Overall a huge disappointment.
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Fun time & Good action
rhymesxci22 September 2023
I thought it was a good movie the action was awesome I will say i wish it was a little longer maybe by like 30 minutes and I do wish they would have used Curtis "50 cent" Jackson a little more since it was his first time in this franchise other than that if you've seen all the other ones like I have I definitely would say go see it if you've never seen them and this looks interesting to you I would highly recommend watching the first three and then seeing this I'm not saying it 100% requires all the backstory if the first 3 but i think it would be nice to have going into this one all in all I enjoyed it.
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statham to the rescue
samspade194122 September 2023
There's lots to like in the franchise's fourth installment. Unfortunately the rest of the movie doesn't deliver, and for some it will be a major drag. Word might have gotten out early: I attended the first showing early afternoon on opening day and was the only person in the room.

The first third of the movie is tough to watch. Cliched dialogue, terrible bathroom humor and scenes that strain credulity. The pace and enjoyment increase about halfway through when Jason Statham takes over and starts being Jason Statham.

Andy Garcia is the only other cast member to take his role and make something substantial of it. No surprise there. Megan Fox, a new team member, brings nothing but bad acting, fat lips and her chest, which is displayed prominently. Levy Tran, another newcomer, is nothing more than a human rainbow given all the color tattoos on her upper body. Removing her and Fox would be addition by subtraction.

Figuring out the bad guy wasn't hard. The reappearance of a critical team member at the end was no shock. The film doesn't measure up to the first two, but Statham makes for a rollicking good time. Just don't expect any Academy Awards....
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Wow. Just This is bad.
TheTexasChainstoreManager14 October 2023
Look... It's not like the other Expendables are great movies, but at least they are some kind of exaggerated fun guilty pleasure action with a bunch of lovable old action heroes.

Expend4bles is just horrible, lazy and boring in every sense of the word. It's the minimal effort to make a movie from everybody involved. It's below action B-movies from the 80s. It's 2000s Steven Seagal quality. It's the movie equivalent of a ponzi scheme and people who pay to see this should feel cheated and demand a refund. There's no love, no effort and no intention of making anything slightly good.

Pretty much everything is made in studio in front of green screen with horrible, HORRIBLE, CGI environments and horrible cheap CGI over all. I question if anything, besides the actors, are real in this movie. You can pretty much picture the actors shuffling around in a small green screen studio, surrounded by green boxes, never breathing fresh air during the entire filming.

This is not even "Ha ha" bad. This is excruciating bad.
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I walked out halfway through this absolute mess of an action flick...
nicolasroop27 September 2023
This movie is so tedious and stupid, I couldn't take anymore and ended up walking out. The action is bad, the acting is bad, the CGI is atrocious, the direction is limp, the story is scattershot and lacking any sense. This has got to be Sylvester Stallone's worst film so far.

Even the unrelenting violence wasn't enough to keep me interested. Yes, there is plenty of violence, blood sprays and some gore thrown in all over the film. Does any of it make an impact though? No, not one bit. Could care less that they just decapitated a guy with a lightpost, or that the bad guy keeps stabbing everyone with his pointy sticks. Probably because it's all stuff I have seen before in much better flicks than this.

Also, Megan Fox is an abysmal actress. Anytime she is on screen, I was hoping she was the next one to die. I didn't finish the film, nor will I, but I geniunely hope she bites the dust by the end. Not saying anyone else was any better. The only actors here who seemed to care they were in this film were Jason Statham and Iko Uwais. Worst of all is Iko Uwais is an excellent Indonesian actor who probably doesn't know English very well, therefore would have no idea that the lines he's being force fed are some of the worst/corniest lines written for a villian in quite a long time.

Overall, an abysmal attempt at revitalizing a franchise that should have been buried after the first one. This is all ya got Sly? C'mon!!!

0 cgi explosions out of 5.
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Watchable but pretty much terrible in almost every respect.
sbweightman22 September 2023
No charm, cheese or humour, flat delivery of most of the lines, weak acting and a predictable and tired plot an 80's action B-movie would have rejected. Some of the action scenes were good but the shift from a team of Special Ops to a single operative made it feel stale and like every other action movie and didn't allow for any character development of the new team members or villains. The CGI was very bad and made all the big events look cartoony, the camaraderie between the stars was painful to watch and how they ended it all was unbelievably bad. Thankfully, it wasn't too long, but I really hope they don't make another one.
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Utterly terrible
stevemcintyre24 September 2023
I really enjoyed the earlier installments in the Expendables franchise. They're never going to win awards, but for silly check-brain-at-door action movies they were good value. The cast and crew weren't taking themselves too sensibly. The plot was paper-thin, but they were *fun*.

This one just didn't gel for me at all. The action felt pedestrian, with far too much CGI. Very little of the previous banter, far too much seriousness and way too little fun.

And then my biggest problem with the movie: Megan Fox. Seriously, how does this woman ever get work as an actress? In the previous movies, the cast at least had some action movie chops. Fox just ... doesn't. Pumped up lips, caked-on makeup, unwatchable. Ugh.
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The worst movie of the year?
JohnDeSando22 September 2023
Here I thought Meg 2 was the worst movie of the year; then comes Expend4ables 4, a geriatric actioner whose digital work alone is so pedestrian as to instill disbelief rather than fear. Major players Jason Statham and Sylvester Stallone head a loose crew engaged to stop very bad guys from getting nuclear weapons.

If you were able to hear all the dialogue over the din of rapidly firing guns, you would know that there's not a speck of dialogue worth remembering. Of course, there's macho male joking often relating to sex, no better than locker room raunch from a presidential hopeful.

The rest of the conversation is not so much about how the arsenal could destroy the world as it is about getting revenge on rivals.

Stallone and Statham have a few minutes of banter that make you wish for much more. They are better than a film that was PG-13 until it ramped up the violence to the current R, a strategy with no distinction because John Wick does it with style and Equalizer with class.

For Expend4bles, violence is a money grab with no aesthetic value. Gone is the talented writer Stallone credited in the first three and director in the first. For that matter, not even the energy and creative contributions of Norris, Ford, Willis, and Li. The franchise is going to Statham, an always charismatic presence lost in his flat hat, scowl, and innumerable easy targets, who apparently haven't yet figured out how the guns work because Christmas (Statham) delivers his presents much before they have figured out how to shoot.

With a sometimes-promising new cast that includes a randy Megan Fox as a CIA operative, little time is given for character development with time-consuming bullets. Even more outrageous is the cheesy CGI with backgrounds that look to be from the silent era. The giant airline transport plane looks like a toy in a cloud background fashioned by Pee Wee Herman. The $100 million cost of this lost labor is hidden, and the hidden CGI is lost in chaotic closeups where you can barely tell, for instance, if it's Megan Fox, and believe me I looked for her.

I have a nostalgic spot for Stallone's remarkable career and respect for Statham's tough exterior/warm interior characters, but Expend4bles is no advance for either. Here is a comic thriller that embarrasses an industry with a history of getting better all the time. Not this time.

After this discussion, I have decided Expend4bles is the worst movie of the year.
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It's Expendables. Explosions. One-liners. Action heroes.
joseph-boik22 September 2023
Another solid addition to the Expendables franchise. The only negative thing I have to say about this film is that it has some bad CGI of the plane flying, landing and deploying land rovers on a tarmac at the beginning. Other than that, you can expect to enjoy some fun, mindless action in a Jason Stathom-centric movie.

If you've seen the other films, than you know what to expect. If you haven't, you don't need to see the others to watch this one as they're only vaguely connected, and don't necessarily build off each other. Need a action film that doesn't require much from you? Look to Expendables.
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How to butcher a simple recipe
Nob0dy24 September 2023
The reason the first 2 movies were successful is because they were throwbacks, in the best possible way. In a time where everything coming out in cinema was people head to toe in lyrca talking about multiple realities, aliens, super humans and robots, a time where every single release was filmed in a single room because everything was green screened in, the expendables came out and it wasn't subtle, didn't pull any punches, it was a good old fashioned dumb fun action movie. A movie where action takes the spotligh and the story serves it's purpose to move things along but safe to say was never going to win any awards and it doesn't take itself too seriously along the way, it is pure escapism.

3 and 4 utterly destroy the entire appeal of the franchise. Instead of casting recognizable action actors 3 had some big names but the bulk of the screentime was focused on people that nobody recognizes, so they don't fit the whole throwback ethos, nor are they competent actors so they didn't contribute anything to the formula, the result was a movie packed with action yet remarkably stayed boring throughout, it was so bland that I guarantee 99% of people who watched it forgot what happened in it within 5 minutes of it ending

And now with 4 they have done the same thing again, they cast rappers and eye candy. Don't get me wrong, Tony Jaa and Iko Uwais are both insanely talented, but 50 cent and megan fox have no business whatsoever being in this movie.

So again they are diluting the entire concept that made this franchise work in the first place. I am not saying they should just do constant remakes, reboots and remake expendables 1 with slight story changes over and over but they need to decide what this is supposed to be and what audience it is supposed to be for, 3 and 4 are neither an homage to old school, unapologetic action nor are they good vehicles to put young talent front and centre, the result are movies with some big names, plenty of action, but it is all wrapped up in a very limp, very middling, utterly forgettable package, so confused about it's own identity that the end product is not catered to anybody.
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Actually better rhan the 3rd.
thxk520 September 2023
The same simple plot, the same so so cgi, but the tone is right and I wished we had this kinda of movie instead of the Expendables 3, that cast with Mel Gibson as the main villain and the bad writing for Arnold's and Jet Li's characters was such a missed oportunity. Also the PG13 rating was so non sense! Now we have the R rating back and Actually if we combine Expendables 3&4 we will get a proper Expendables movie!

I just hope this will sell better than the Box Office prediction and will kill big time on demand and home video sales & rental because we need another sequel asap before Sly will retire, bring back Wesley Snipes too!

Better than expected (i had almost no expectation) !
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I'm sorry, Sly. I loved the first three
midnightcub27 September 2023
..... I was underwhelmed. I wasn't expecting much and it delivered on that. Tony Jaa was one of the best parts of the film. As a character.

The action is what you'd expect. Fists, feet, guns, knives and explosions it was however more visceral than the previous three and whereas I like action, I don't care for violence. When it feels like it's more about shock and less about adrenaline, I check out mentally.

The humor was more juvenile than I care for also. Not all of it. But a few key moments was like "Who wrote this, Judd Apatow?" (the answer is no. Actually very decent writers including ones who wrote Equilibrium.) The cast was all over the place. I get adding Iwo Kuwais and Tony Jaa. But 50 cent, some random Spanish kid, some odd Asian chick and some second random bad guy just don't fit into who this series was for and about. And it's GLARING what they should've done different.

They added Andy Garcia which is a nice old blood touch but come on. He's not Mel Gibson, JCVD, Bruce Willis, etc level .

Megan Fox ... I really like her. I've liked her in many things. But... Not this. Her intro is so shrill it's difficult to care about her later. And she's under about 15lbs of makeup. And you still wonder about more established female action heroes that could've been used. Charlize Theron? Scarlett Johanson? Kim Basinger? Uma Thurman. IDK.

I kinda don't care if they make a part 5 and as hard as this bombed, I'm sure they probably won't.
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An action movie that delivers constant action from beginning to end
darkreignn24 September 2023
"Expend4bles" is getting decimated by critics; with a current 5.2 out of 10 rating on IMDb and a 16% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes, "Expend4bles" seems to be the worst action film since, well, the third film in the franchise. But, when compared to the third film, this fourth iteration is changing things - going back to basics, you could say. How? By bringing back the coveted, much desired R-rating. A ha! That should do it! I mean, blood, gore, cussing, pole dancers, and Megan Fox wearing a tight, white tank top? That's what everyone wants out of this series..... right?

Here's the thing: "Expend4bles" is by no means a game changer, nor is it a harkening back to the glory days of the first two movies. The R-rating does return - and the slightly over-sexualized tone is a welcome addition when compared to today's trend of making every action film as asexual as possible - but none of it really lives up to the heights of the explosive climax of the first film or the bombastic introduction of the second. From the opening scene, you can tell that "Expend4bles" is made on a budget; the film looks almost like a direct-to-DVD movie, with constantly CGI blood, shoddy green screen, and slight (though not excessive) shaky camera. The dialogue is incomprehensible at times due to mediocre sound mixing, and the film only has a handful of locations compared to its globe-trotting predecessors. Megan Fox isn't the most believable actress, and everyone else, except for Statham, looks like they rolled out of bed directly on set to read lines directly off a script. All of that said, though, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun with this!

Look, if you're going in to see the fourth film in a popular action franchise, then you should already know what you're going to get. And here, what you're going to get is practically two hours of mindless action - and that's all I wanted. Jason Statham blowing people away with assault rifles and slashing people's throats open with huge knives; Sylvester Stallone taking aim at people from the skies while flying a military-grade airplane; Megan Fox wearing revealing clothing while engaging in a suggestive "Mr. And Mrs. Smith"-esque fight scene; Andy Garcia dressed to the nines, chewing tooth pics, and shooting people in the face. Everything in this movie is bigger and more ridiculous than you can possibly imagine, but man oh man is it just so much fun to watch on the big screen.

I'll just say it: I spent $18 on two movie theatre hot dogs and a giant bottle of water, sat down with my mom, chowed down, and enjoyed watching action scene after action scene after action scene for two hours. The plot? Who actually cares about that. The acting? You've seen the other films in this franchise - you already know the acting is the thing that actors care least about when filming this movie. The action? That's what this is all about! And "Expend4bles" doesn't disappoint with a near non-stop barrage of bloody violence. Bullets, knives, grenades, hatchets, and spike chains are just a few of the weapons in people's arsenal in this movie, and you'll be privy to a multitude of ways that people meet their end. Sure, the shaky camera is there, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was in "The Expendables 3" - in that movie, you literally could not tell what was happening or who it was happening to; here, the camera may shake, but the action is shown clearly. And sure, the CGI sticks out like a sore thumb, but at this point the bad CGI is 100% a purposeful choice to not only save money but also poke fun at old 80s action movies. Everything in this movie has been custom built for you to have a good time watching it, and I had a great time watching it.

The critics may be hating on this movie, but that's just one more reason for you to go and watch it. This is an action movie, and it delivers basically constant action from beginning to end. If that's what you want to see, then you'll enjoy yourself.
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Grab a VHS copy of Commando or Wanted: Dead or Alive instead
lbz_197921 September 2023
100 million for this? The CGI was mid 1990s quality and the filters they are using to age down Stallone, Lundgren and Statham are terrible. Stallone has more fillers and Botox in his face than Janice Dickinson or Renee Zelwegger.

Iko Uwais was the only redeeming aspect of this film. The plot was probably generated by AI since no writer could be this bad. Personally, I would have had Isaac Florentine direct this because he does an amazing job with his low budget Scott Adkins films like Albert Pyun did in the 90s with Cyborg and Nemesis.

This is a hack movie that should have gone direct to Netflix. Jason Statham us racking up an impressive career of garbage. Why not just pair him with Kevin Hart and we can see the worst movie ever made.
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Amateur hour... and 45 min
davidjhensley26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not even 3/4 way though and I want to give this movie 2 stars. This movie is worse in orders of magnitude over the previous franchise entries. Horrible CGI, horrible dialog, action is basic. Plot is garbage. Even the cinematography and fighting sequences are bad. It's like they phoned this one in on a cheap budget. Megan Fox is touted as "an expendable" but runs around with a gun strapped to her like a B movie amateur, adding nothing to the action at all... but they made sure to have a scene with her nips. Statham gets so much more screen time than all the other top billed cast that they should have just called this The Transporter 4... there's even a scene with him in a suit almost identical to the ones he wore in that franchise. Stallone gets almost no screen time at all. Andy Garcia is normally a great actor but he seems very wooden and worthless in all his scenes. This movie is all creme puff and no substance, and the creme puff is made of sugarless 1% vegan almond milk.
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kylescott-4983013 October 2023
The rug has finally been pulled out from under the expendables, a film that cost close to a hundred million has hardly made a third of it back. A franchise that should have stopped after the first and is rumoured to continue for another trilogy should, for its own good, be put to rest. The original expendables was good fun and full of outrageous quotes and enjoyment but each passing sequel has suffered from declining plot and acting performance. I would have more tolerance for the movie if it didn't see to treat the audience as if they were brain dead at every turn. There's no creativity or thrill with the expendables anymore, if they never make another we will all be better off.
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Dont watch if you are going for Sly.
mayank_dx22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Dont watch if you are going for Sly. You will be highly disappointed. The worst movie of the franchise, even worse than the third one. Sly was missing from the whole movie, whats the point of making expendables without Sly. Terry crews was replaced by a boiled one (50 cent). Low budget action flick. Statham was the only good thing in the movie. Megan fox was in the movie just to moan. Instead rewatch the first and second expendables. No special appearance of actors like Arnold or Ford which is expected from this movie. Was watching in New Delhi, India and the whole theater was empty. Disappointed!!
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