Kenu Amearare began drawing a manga adaptation of the light novel this is based on in Dengeki Comic Regulus magazine in March 2023. Kadokawa is shipping the second volume on July 26, 2024.
Based on a Japanese light novel series written by Saka and illustrated by Chorefuji. Saka originally began writing the fantasy drama story on the Kakuyomu website in October 2019 under the title Aru Majo ga Shinu Made: Meg Raspberry no Yomei Ichinen. Kadokawa released the novel under its Dengeki no Shin Bungei imprint in December 2021, featuring illustrations by Chorefuji, after it won the Dengeki no Shin Bungei 2nd Anniversary Contest for the Passionate Teacher-Student Relationship category. The second volume is scheduled to be released on July 14, 2024.