I'm so ashamed that I actually sat through this movie that as punishment to myself I created an IMDb account and forced myself to review it so that everyone would know. The real injustice here is that the money spent to produce this movie could have been used instead to get a genocidal child-raping Eco-terrorist a decent lawyer. The painful dialogue was reminiscent of being trapped on a school bus full of eight year-old boys on a sugar rush. The camera work -- mostly on its side -- redefined the words "disjointed", "nausea-inducing", and "sub-amateur". The acting was slightly better, but the actors must have been pranked by their agents into taking the roles. Comparing this to "Cabin in the Woods" is only accurate insofar as there is a cabin in the movie, and it is in the woods. Its only redeeming feature is that it is only 80 minutes long. I am hoping the planned sequel is -80 minutes so I can get my time back.