1 review
Whether or not you were fortunate enough to see RT 30 One or RT 30 Two, the first two movies of this RT 30 trilogy, you are sure to enjoy this as a standalone movie. There are some characters and/or actors that have been in all three, and it would behoove you to order the RT 30 Trilogy and watch them in order. John Putch is not only an excellent , organized director, shooting this movie in about three weeks on a shoestring independent budget, but his outstanding writing is so spot on, and his observations of the local culture, vernacular and idiosyncrasies so keen, that they are only overshadowed by his acute undying love and devotion for his hometown, where he was raised and his playground, which was the acclaimed Totem Pole Playhouse, and his affection for the locals who form the basis of the RT 30 Trilogy characters. This last film of the RT 30 Trilogy is very bittersweet, because John has said there would not be a RT 30 Four...after watching all three films , I am sure you will agree that these well formed and well rounded characters deserve to live on.....and hope that John skips over RT 30 Four and goes right to RT 30 Five, and Six and Seven......