Tum Kahan Ho
"Tum Kahan Ho" (Dir Rimpy Rooprai) follows Anil, grieving his wife Jaya. Battling Alzheimer's, he finds solace in their memories. Through his journey of loss and illness, Anil discovers the ... Read all"Tum Kahan Ho" (Dir Rimpy Rooprai) follows Anil, grieving his wife Jaya. Battling Alzheimer's, he finds solace in their memories. Through his journey of loss and illness, Anil discovers the enduring power of love and the human spirit."Tum Kahan Ho" (Dir Rimpy Rooprai) follows Anil, grieving his wife Jaya. Battling Alzheimer's, he finds solace in their memories. Through his journey of loss and illness, Anil discovers the enduring power of love and the human spirit.