Tanya Kach, 14, has been feeling isolated and lonely. Her school's security guard, Tom Hose, befriends her and manages to lure her to his home and hold her captive for over a decade.Tanya Kach, 14, has been feeling isolated and lonely. Her school's security guard, Tom Hose, befriends her and manages to lure her to his home and hold her captive for over a decade.Tanya Kach, 14, has been feeling isolated and lonely. Her school's security guard, Tom Hose, befriends her and manages to lure her to his home and hold her captive for over a decade.
Everything New on Hulu in January
Everything New on Hulu in January
There's a whole lot to love about Hulu's streaming offerings this month — get excited for brand-new series premieres and film favorites to watch at home.