This anime series is set in the world of a virtual reality computer game. Makoto Haga is one of a number of debuggers who have become trapped in the game; unlike the others he is continuing with his job rather than use his powers to live an easy life. While checking on particular village he befriends Nikola, a non-player character who should have died in an event but returns and travels with him. Through her the game's AI instructs Makoto to collect the other debuggers 'debugger stones'... devices that enable them to access skills unavailable to other players. Inevitably they don't want to hand them over. Together, along with others they meet along the way they get on with the task.
I thought this series was a solid enough addition to the isekai genre. While the genre is fairly crowded this manages to be interesting and somewhat original. The lead characters are interesting and fun to watch and the various antagonists are suitably unpleasant. Character designs, particularly Makoto, might look the best but they work in the context of a game-world. Overall a solid series that fans of the genre might want to check out. The ending 'To Be Continued?' message hints at at least one more season; I hope we do get more.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.