Baddies Caribbean is the fifth installment in the Baddies reality series franchise, and it returns some classic cast mates from previous seasons and introduces a few new ones too. A spiritual successor to Oxygen's Bad Girls Club, one of the many popular reality TV shows that have disappeared, Baddies follows a similar format with a group of women living together, working to host a series of promotional events. Like any good Big Brother-like reality series, the altercations between the unabashed cast members in Baddies are part of the fun.
The show premiered in 2021, titled Baddies Atl. Each successive season has a new title signaling the location. After Baddies Atl came Baddies South, then Baddies West, and then Baddies East. Baddies Caribbean premiered on May 5, 2024, and takes the girls all over the islands of the Caribbean Sea. After a three-part audition special, the cast was finalized with 19 women, some...
The show premiered in 2021, titled Baddies Atl. Each successive season has a new title signaling the location. After Baddies Atl came Baddies South, then Baddies West, and then Baddies East. Baddies Caribbean premiered on May 5, 2024, and takes the girls all over the islands of the Caribbean Sea. After a three-part audition special, the cast was finalized with 19 women, some...
- 9/16/2024
- by Zachary Moser
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