Filmmaker Jorge Ameer designed and produced a New Years Eve 2014 fireworks show named after "Medusa". The fireworks show was held in Panama City, Panama at midnight. The show was dedicated to "Medusa" star Jeff Allen. The Fireworks show lasted 45 minutes.
Actor Jeff Allen was surprised with the starring role of Medusa as he was schedule to meet with filmmaker Jorge Ameer regarding his audition. Upon arrival, Mr. Allen was under the impression the meeting was a meet and greet meeting to discuss his audition. Servers from the restaurant presented Mr. Allen with a Hollywood photograph with a note written in silver confirming his casting in the principal role of Dr. Jack Peruci.
Director of Visual Effects Jeremy Vanneman was a CGI Artist on "Pacific Rim", "Wolverine", "Ironman 3","Star Trek Into Darkness", & "Godzilla" among other studio films.
Star Jeff Allen got a special birthday present. Filmmaker Jorge Ameer designed a special hollow birthday cake for his "Medusa" star to cut at a surprise birthday celebration at a local Hollywood restaurant. After the singing the server sang him "Happy Birthday" he proceeded to cut the uncuttable cake.
Jorge Ameer's "MEDUSA" has the singular distinction to have a two firework shows designed and produced after a motion picture. The first fireworks show was held one Christmas Eve on December 24, 2013 and the second fireworks show was held on New Years Eve with two piñatas made out of fireworks. One piñata was of Medusa while the other one was of "Man of Steel" star Henry Cavill. Ameer chose to design a piñata of "Man of Steel" to include in the "Medusa" New Years Eve fireworks show because he is a Superman fanatic and "Man of Steel" saw his favorite studio film of 2013. He was it six times include in IMAX and 3D.