It is a fan film that intricately explores the uncharted moments bridging the narrative chasm between the original Hellblade video game and its sequel, "Senua's Saga." Delving into the psyche of its protagonist, Senua, portrayed by Allison Dayne, the film navigates the turbulent waters of her journey, capturing the essence of her transformation from a haunted warrior to a relentless seeker of truth. Through stunning visuals and a haunting score, "The Lost Ones" immerses viewers in the dark and mystifying world of Helheim, where Senua confronts her inner demons and grapples with the enigmatic goddess Morrigan, portrayed by Michelle Pokopac. This fan film offers a captivating glimpse into the connecting moments that shape Senua's harrowing odyssey, resonating deeply with fans of the Hellblade series.
—Allison Dayne