5 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 100The Hollywood ReporterNeil YoungThe Hollywood ReporterNeil YoungDerki and his experienced editor Anne Fabini have crafted a sober, sobering bulletin of unambiguous intention and undeniable power.
- 90VarietyPeter DebrugeVarietyPeter DebrugeWhat the film lacks in context it gains in visceral eyewitness value.
- 80The GuardianLeslie FelperinThe GuardianLeslie FelperinAdmittedly, there are a lot of documentaries like this, made by citizen journalists recording uprisings in their homelands, but this is one of the best of the recent crop, and a timely reminder of a conflict that's slipped out of the headlines of late.
- 63Slant MagazineElise NakhnikianSlant MagazineElise NakhnikianThe film is a testament to the power of video to document resistance to corrupt and abusive regimes, but it's also a witness to the limits of that power.