In Jerusalem, Yehezkel (Ze'ev Revach) and Levana (Levana Finkelshtein) live in a retirement home with other elders, including their friends Max (Samuel Wolf) and Yana (Aliza Rosen). Max is terminal, using morphine to release the pain and wishes to die. Yana presses his best friend Yehezkel to kill him. After many insistences, he builds a self-euthanasia machine to finish the pain of his friend. He invites the gay veterinarian Dr. Daniel (Ilan Dar) and his partner, the anesthetist Raffi Segal (Rafi Tabor), to dose the drugs in the machine and Max kills himself. Out of the blue, there are rumors in the home about the machine and Carmon (Josef Carmon) blackmails the group to let his wife, who is also terminal and with pain, use the machine. Meanwhile, Levana shows symptoms of dementia and her daughter Noa (Hilla Surjon) and the administrator of the home, Ziva (Idit Teperson), want to transfer her to another home with facility for mentally ill elders. But Yehezkel is reluctant to let his beloved wife go to another place.
"Mita Tova", a.k.a. "The Farewell Party", is a great film about a practice that is forbidden in most countries, the euthanasia. Like abortion, many countries have laws not allowing the patients or the women decide about their bodies. "Mita Tova" gives a sensitive approach, alleviating with some jokes along the film. For example, Yehezkel playing God to Zelda (Ruth Geller) in the beginning is very funny. Or driving his car and stopped by the police officer twice. But the film is a drama and never a comedy, with outstanding performances of the veteran unknown cast. "Party", in English, has several meanings, but in Portuguese is different: For example, party (social gathering) is "festa"; party (political group) is "partido"; party (group) is "grupo". Therefore, translators must be careful since in this title, the pun does not make sense in Portuguese. Instead of translating "O Grupo de Despedida", the translator called the movie "A Festa de Despedida", which does not make any sense for the theme of the film. My vote is seven.
Title (Brazil): "A Festa de Despedida" ("The Farewell Party")