Honey Lemon Soda is one of the best anime I have seen and I just can't understand how can people even rate it below 6.
Right from ep1, the art style and characters are so good. Uka's development as the story progresses is very admirable and Miura is a very interesting character and her caretaker as well. The other characters like Kanno Serina and Ayumi are wonderful as well. Not those typical generic characters but instead they have depth and are very relatable.
Some moments got me teary-eyed as well.. was very emotional to see someone who got bullied for 3 years to rise up and take a stand for herself. Both the OP song "Magic Hour" and the ED "Wonderful World" are beautiful masterpieces by &Team.
Trust me give this anime a shot and you would not regret it. Absolutely do not trust the overall rating coz idk why the heck are people judging this anime adaptation without clearly watching it. Yes it does start a little slow but trust me its an underrated masterpiece that you will surely enjoy!