George Anton's Long-Term Vision Comes to Life: George Anton initially conceptualized the modern-day "Wizard of Oz" project back in 2016, alongside collaborators Elias Zeitounian and Joel Harkham. Despite facing financial challenges that led to the early footage being released in a less polished form, Anton revisited the project in 2024 with the aid of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), breathing new life into his vision.
Building on George Anton's original concept, Joel Harkham expanded the 'Wizard of Oz' theme into a new project titled 'We Are Doing Wizard of Oz the Movie,' which is available on YouTube. In a scene approximately 42 minutes into the film, George Anton makes a cameo appearance, finding himself in a predicament from which he is rescued by Harkham's character, Steve. This cameo blurs the lines between fiction and reality, showcasing the collaborative spirit of the concept.
The final scene of 'We Are Doing The Wizard of Oz The Movie' features Ellina Adel, known for her role in 'Born into Mafia' (2009) and as a friend of Alain Delon. This casting choice highlights the interconnected nature of the independent film community and the playful exploration of identity and reality within George Anton's cinematic universe. The presence of Vitaliy Versace, transitioning from a character within Anton's films to a real-life actor, further underscores the film's exploration of the boundaries between fiction and reality.