Lady Cops
- TV Movie
- 2024
"Lady Cops" is a hilarious comedy series set in the quirky town of Boudica, blending the humor of "Parks and Recreation," the action of "Charlie's Angels," the satire of "The Office," and th... Read all"Lady Cops" is a hilarious comedy series set in the quirky town of Boudica, blending the humor of "Parks and Recreation," the action of "Charlie's Angels," the satire of "The Office," and the character dynamics of "White Lotus." Led by an ensemble cast featuring Jeffery Mark, Sam... Read all"Lady Cops" is a hilarious comedy series set in the quirky town of Boudica, blending the humor of "Parks and Recreation," the action of "Charlie's Angels," the satire of "The Office," and the character dynamics of "White Lotus." Led by an ensemble cast featuring Jeffery Mark, Samantha Evans, Lucie Fleming, and Alison Chace, the show follows a group of unique and flawe... Read all