"Once Upon a Deadpool" (2018), directed by David Leitch, is a unique re-release of "Deadpool 2" that aims to make the film more family-friendly. The film retains the core plot and characters from the original, but removes the explicit content, including profanity and graphic violence.
The plot follows the same arc as "Deadpool 2," with Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) trying to cope with the loss of his love Vanessa and his subsequent journey into the X-Men universe. The film introduces the character of Fred Savage, who is kidnapped by Deadpool and becomes the audience's surrogate for the story.
Ryan Reynolds continues to deliver a standout performance as Deadpool, infusing the character with his trademark humor and self-deprecating wit. Josh Brolin's Cable remains a formidable presence, adding depth to the character despite the toned-down content.
Atmosphere and Visuals
The film maintains the irreverent tone of the original, with a focus on Deadpool's unique brand of humor. The action sequences are still entertaining, although some of the more intense scenes have been toned down. The use of special effects enhances the comic book-like atmosphere, making it visually appealing.
"Once Upon a Deadpool" is a funnier, more family-friendly version of "Deadpool 2." While it loses some of the original's edge due to the toned-down content, it still retains the core elements that made the original a success. The film is a great option for those who want to introduce the Deadpool character to younger audiences or those who simply enjoy the humor and action without the explicit content.
Rating: 7/10.