The story begins in 1914, just before the outbreak of World War I, in a multicultural city in Hungary. Young Róza Belsbergová, the daughter of a wealthy local German butcher, is in love with the son of the Slovak innkeeper Violovský, Géza.
It is year 1917 and the war is still going on. Losses marked every family in Hungary and the Violovský and Belsberg families were not spared either. The proud butcher Belsberg lost half his family and the entire butcher shop.
The story moves to the years 1918 - 1925. After the war was lost, Austria-Hungary disintegrated and Czechoslovakia was created, a common state of Czechs and Slovaks. After returning from the war, Géza takes over the family tavern.
The story takes place in years 1931 - 1935. The consequences of the Great Depression are fading. Belsberg invested his money, which he lost, behind Géza's back. Géza expels him from the family and from the pub. Róza is unhappy about this.
The years 1939-42, with the declaration of World War II, the Czechs had to leave Slovakia. Géza does not get involved in politics and tries to maintain his business. In the pub, he pours for everyone, regardless of political opinion.
1942-1943, the war is still going on. Relations in the Violovský family are getting complicated. Vojto cannot forgive his parents for keeping Irene's departure from him, and moves away from them to a rented apartment.
It is years of 1944 - 1945 and The World War II is in the climax. Irene manages to get out of the camp and tries to find Vojto. He joined the resistance in the printing house, and after the outbreak of the Uprising, he join the partisans.
Years 1946 -1951. The war is over. Vojto also returned home. He desperately searches for Irene. The family tavern survived with losses, but Géza hopes that he will succeed in business again in the new Czechoslovakia.