Fabulous, Awesome, Beautiful, Nice cringe movie. This movie is proof that how much hypocrites dog lover are becoming dangerous for others...
Yes, according to the hypocrites dog lovers only street dog has a name. But what about other animals. I guess others being aren't animals at all. Only dogs are animals. And these kinds of mentality people are dangerous for the society. Just question them what about other animals. I am pretty sure, they haven't any answer about it. And yes, that's why only dogs have name. Others animals don't have any name. Because according to these hypocrites, dogs are 2nd most human species in the world....🤣🤣😂
And they're absolutely true about it. Dogs and other most of animals are becoming human day by day. But today's most human (Especially most of them) are becoming cruel, ruthless, careless, selfish, greedy, hypocrite etc etc.........