mar, 9 abr 2013
Zak, Cloe, Kiet and Fenzy are four 13-year-old friends who are very unpopular and not particularly talented in sports. One day, while they are feeling down about being rejected by Ron and Rud (the park bullies), a lightning bolt with four bracelets comes out of nowhere and transports them to another dimension where they discover they suddenly have super powers. Waiting for them there is Tänpo, a small, very wise being who is intent on teaching them "Sendokai" (an ancestral martial art that is a mix of soccer and magic). After testing the kids' (very deficient) abilities, Tänpo is decidedly despondent and tells them all to leave. But Zak is sick and tired of being judged by others and decides to show Tänpo what he's really worth. And while the brave demonstration is another total disaster, Tänpo can't help but see the potential force of Zak's fighting spirit, so he decides to train the kids and turn them into Sendokai warriors, all in order to carry out a very important mission -- to save planet Earth from an invasion by the intergalactic Zorn Empire.
mar, 9 abr 2013
Tänpo gets angry with the kids because they have tried to tell their families about the dangers they run. He explains to them that the only way to save Earth is to beat the Zorns at the Grand Sendokai Tournament and that, so panic does not reign, they must keep their mission a secret. Despite the seriousness of the matter, the kids trust in their new powers and believe that winning the Tournament will be easy, so Tänpo challenges them to a Sendokai battle. The master gives them a beating and the kids learn that to be a Sendokai warrior is, above all, a question of sacrifice, teamwork and humility. Meanwhile, Marshall, the leader of the Zorns, reveals to his commandants Lalith, Kazkrad and Sidmodius a fact that the human are not aware of: No one has ever beaten the Zorns in the Grand Tournament.
mar, 16 abr 2013
Zak misses his mother, who is always away from home, traveling for work. And to make matter worse, Tänpo gets angry at him and his friends for not paying attention in their theory classes. As punishment, he sends them to the Urlok dimension, a devastated place whose inhabitants live under constant threat from giant insects. During a siege, the kids try to help the Urloks, but in vain. When it appears that all is lost, Zak remembers Tänpo's words in class and manages to expel the insects. In appreciation, the Urloks give the kids armor with powers, which they must learn how to awaken. Then the kids learn that the Urlok dimension is how it is because, many years ago, the Urloks lost the Grand Tournament and the Zorns invaded. They now understand that this is what will happen to the Earth if they too fail in the Grand Tournament. So they decide to take Tänpo's teachings very seriously indeed.
mar, 16 abr 2013
Kiet's grandmother spoils him too much. That's why, when Tänpo has him and his friends do boring chores, he never stops complaining. The kids want to put on the Urlok armor but Tänpo forbids them to do so and makes them cut plants, pick up fruit, carry water in big jugs - the kids think their master doesn't really want to make them into Sendokai warriors but rather just wants to get some free chores done around his house. However, when the day is done, he gives them another challenge: They have to get through an obstacle course and hit the senrok. The kids are very tired but their bodies react instinctively, with the same movements they had been making all day doing chores. They are successful and then understand that the work they had been doing served to develop certain capabilities that they will use in combat. The kids understand that to get better and reach goals, often you have to do things you don't like doing.
mié, 17 abr 2013
Cloe wants to be an artist but her parents have made every effort to keep her imagination in tow because they assume she will want to continue the family tradition and become a lawyer. Tänpo warns that Cloe's internal dilemma is going to affect her training and decides to take her with him to the Maub dimension where the inhabitants have succumbed to invisible Zorns. To defeat the invaders, Cloe will have to use the power of her armor - Yao-Sen Vision - but she will only be able to activate it if she uses her imagination. In the end, she manages to overcome the limitations that she had imposed on herself due to her parents' pressure, thus freeing her imagination and awakening her Yao-Sen Vision. Cloe and Tänpo battle together and defeat the Zorns. When it is communicated to Marshall that a waadan and a human have defeated one of the Zorn Empire's strongest divisions, he starts to suspect with whom they must be dealing.
mié, 17 abr 2013
Fenzy goes shopping with her mother and they end up arguing because of Fenzy's strong character. That same day, Lula wakes the kids up at midnight and calls them to Tänpo's dimension to play a joke on them. The kids get really mad at her. Fenzy says they can resolve their differences on the field of (Sendokai) play. In the match, they face off against four beings of the Lula race, the Luls, who perform all sorts of weird plays and turn into spheres to create confusion on the field. But despite all that, the kids win and learn that you can't give in to anger and you have to resolve differences with sportsmanlike behavior.
jue, 18 abr 2013
For the umpteenth time, Zak's mother can't make it home because of a commitment at work. The family needs the money but Zak is sad and just doesn't understand why that has to be. While Zak is training in the other dimension, Tänpo can tell his pupil is sad and sends him to the Kaiju dimension. There, in a spaceship, they must destroy a mechanical Zorn monster, but they will only be able to do so if Zak can manage to control his power -- the Fire Shot of Zet-Sen. When it appears that the monster is going to defeat them, Zak accepts the fact that, both on Earth and in battle, things aren't always as we'd wish they'd be. Zak adapts to the situation and manages to destroy the monster with a tremendous shot. When Marshall is notified of the monster's defeat he thinks he now has a pretty good idea of who is behind the latest attacks on the Zorns.
jue, 18 abr 2013
After another dirty trick by Ron and Rud, the kids are determined to become Sendokai warriors as soon as possible. Coincidentally, that very day Tänpo has invited four legendary Sendokai warriors to meet them. The chance to meet these legends really excites the kids, but they are a bit disillusioned when they see the four old decrepit men. However, the old men challenge the humans to a Sendokai and during the match demonstrate that they're much more powerful than they seemed at first sight. Cloe and Zak use their new powers but the Sendokai is very close and finally the old men win by a nose. Experience has won out. After shaking hands, the two teams dine together and listen to Tänpo interpret a song from his dimension, one which tells a tale of a tragic past.
vie, 19 abr 2013
Minister Sidmodius hopes to manipulate Marshall so that he will agree to use the box of King Sestrad, a box that contains such great power that it is extremely dangerous for whoever possesses it. But Marshall is reluctant and Commandant Lalith has her doubts about the true intentions of Sidmodius. For his part, Tänpo wants to obtain another box for his objectives, the box of King Nustrad, an ancient enemy of Sestrad. In order to get it, he has organized a Sendokai combat against the guardian of the box. To the kids' surprise, the guardian turns out to be a kind of little dog. The kids face off with the guardian and the cute little animal turns out to be a much tougher rival than they thought. Nevertheless, Zak, Cloe and Kiet use the powers they have learned to unleash their powersd and defeat the dog. They can now take care of the box - though they still do not know the mysterious power it contains.
sáb, 20 abr 2013
Fenzy remembers her dead father and that depresses her. Tänpo takes her to the Beldzar dimension, where their king has just passed away. The Zorns, led by Commandant Lalith, plan to take advantage of the mourning period of the Beldzars and invade their dimension. Fenzy tries to repel the attack while Tänpo does his best to convince the Beldzars to abandon their mourning, pick up their weapons and defend themselves. In the end, both Fenzy and the Beldzars accept the fact that they have to step up and get over their sadness. They defeat the Zorns and expel them. When Marshall finds out what happened he feels fear and gets so angry that he won't listen to Lalith's advice and rather authorizes Sidmodius to go in search of the box of Sestrad. What no one knows is that Minister Sidmodius had infiltrated the Beldzars and helped them defeat Lalith.
sáb, 20 abr 2013
It's the last day of training before the tournament and Tänpo tells the the kids that they still have to overcome one last obstacle if they want to demonstrate that they can compete. They must beat - him. The kids are shocked. They'll never be able to do that. The master is angered by their attitude and tells them he'll see them at dusk on the field of battle. The youngsters face off against him, and, after an epic battle, they beat their master by the slimmest of margins. Tanpö is vanquished - but happy. He is finally convinced that his pupils have improved enough to truly compete, and he gives them special armor they will find useful in the tournament. When they ask him why this whole quest is so important to him, their master says that he was defeated by the Zorn Empire 10,000 years ago and banished to his dimension.
dom, 21 abr 2013
The big day of the Grand Tournament has come. Kiet is so nervous he gets confused and puts on his underwear instead of his pants. The lightning bolt picks the kids up and transports them to the Zorn dimension, to a gigantic coliseum full of beings from every imaginable race. Marshall appears in his imperial box with his commandants to inaugurate the tournament. In the first match, the kids will do battle against Dr. Silliw, a scientist who controls a team of intelligent simians via cybernetic helmets. The Sendokai begins and the apes' play is overwhelming. Besides that, they laugh at Kiet and his peculiar attire. But when all seems lost, Zak kicks a ball that luckily hits one of the apes' helmets, shattering it, and the ape starts acting like, well, an ape. The kids realize that's what they have to do, so they start aiming at the helmets to neutralize Dr. Silliw's team. At the last moment, Kiet manages to score on a spectacular play. The crowd goes wild and, even though he's wearing underwear instead of a uniform, he is not ashamed and celebrates the victory like never before.
lun, 22 abr 2013
It is Fenzy's birthday but an argument with her mother has her all angry. That day the kids have to play their second Sendokai match at the Grand Tournament. This time their rival will be the Norbiuses, a race of beings with one telepathically interconnected mind. The match begins and the kids make a valiant effort, but the coordination of the Norbiuses is unbeatable and the kids hardly ever even get their feet on the ball. Besides that, Fenzy's anger causes her to play individually, and the kids get beaten badly. Tanpö tells them that they lost because, as opposed to their rivals, they didn't play as a team. Fortunately, they are still in the round robin stage of the tournament and can afford one defeat - but they can't lose again or their dimension will be history. Upon leaving the field of battle, Fenzy runs into the Nobiuses, who, despite having won, are crying disconsolately. They explain to her that, since they are really only one being, they feel terribly lonely. That makes Fenzy think twice and go back to her friends and teammates.
mié, 24 abr 2013
In the Zorn dimension, Sidmodius returns with the box of Sestrad - though Marshall refuses to use it for the time being. On Earth, all the kids have suffered one unexpected setback or another which puts the continuity of their friendship in danger: Zak's mom has found a job in another city; Cloe's dad wants to send her away to a boarding school; Kiet's parents have threatened to take him back to their village; and Fenzy's mom wants to move so she can forget all her sad, painful, memories. Faced with this panorama, the kids ask Tänpo for more time to get their situations back on Earth in order. But Tänpo rejects their request. The tournament is first and foremost. There is too much at stake and they must assume the sacrifice. Tänpo also tells them that in order to free their new powers from their armor they will have to meditate to discover what their true motivation is. This is very important: if they don't find it, their powers will turn against them and kill them. Zak meditates and wonders how he managed to liberate the Sho-Sen Fire Shot when he battled the Tekdroids. Then he realizes that he managed to use the power when he saw Cloe in danger. Could it be that he feels something for her?
jue, 25 abr 2013
Marshall discovers that Lalith saw Tänpo in the Beldzar dimension and didn't say anything about it. This breaks his trust in her. The kids are back at the tournament to face off against the Multimen: young and very good looking superheros with many passionate, adoring, fans. Their leader, Kaiboy, figures he has to neutralize Zak because Zak is so dangerous, so he decides to seduce Cloe. Kaiboy also publically commits himself to fair play. During the match, Kaiboy flirts with Cloe and manages to make Zak jealous, although Zak would never admit to feeling that way. Because of that, when Zak tries to unleash the Sho-Sen Fire Shot it doesn't work and he falls to the ground weakly. At that moment, Kaiboy shows his true colors: He breaks his promise and takes advantage of the situation to try and win the battle. Cloe realizes that he has used her and gets so angry that she defeats Kaiboy and the Multimen in one magnificently fine play. Meanwhile, Lalith discovers Sidmodius trying to open the box of Sestrad, but she doesn't say anything to Marshall because she knows he won't believe her. In the end, Zak speaks to Tänpo and the Tänpo tells him he has to accept his feelings. This chat consoles Zak and also takes Tänpo backs - he remembers that once, long ago, he had been in love - with Lalith.
vie, 26 abr 2013
The kids must face a team of beings who travel across time, the Chroneks, who declare they will defeat the kids because they have seen the future. On the other hand they also know that they will be defeated at a later time. They believe destiny is written in the stars, which makes them beings without any hope. The Sendokai begins and the humans can't seem to get the upper hand: The Chroneks travel from the future to thwart their plays, which they know the kids will try beforehand. According to Tänpo, the only way to defeat the Chroneks will be for Cloe to awken her power - the Nu-Sen Sparkle - but her family situation back on Earth blurs her vision of what her true motivation is. But all of a sudden, Zak approaches Cloe and makes her see that what is really important to her is them -- her friends. It is then that she understands that she doesn't have to change her desires but rather her destiny. Cloe manages to awaken her power and defeat the Chroneks. Despite their defeat, the Chroneks are actually happy: the kids have just shown them that they can decide their own future. Meanwhile, Sidmodius meets secretly with a Chronek woman: It appears they are in cahoots and planning something.
sáb, 27 abr 2013
Fenzy quarrels with her mother because she (her mother) wants to move. She calls her mother selfish. In the Zorn dimension, Marshall resorts to the ancient Law of Kronian to force the humans to do battle with a rival who may actually have the motivation to defeat them: the Urloks, the friendly people who gave them the kids their first armor. Marshall has offered the Urloks the possibility of recovering their dimension in exchange for defeating the humans, and the Urloks have no other choice than to accept. The battle is particularly tough and the kids aren't sure how to face a rival they consider a friend. They discover that the Urloks have accepted the battle so they can leave behind a better dimension for their children. Fenzy realizes that a parent would be capable of anything to protect a child and that her mother, regardless of whether she is right or wrong, is just trying to do the best thing for her daughter. She realizes that her previously unsuspected love for her mother is actually her real motivation, and she is then able to awaken her power and defeat the Urloks.
dom, 28 abr 2013
Kiet is nervous because the next battles are against the Zorns. The very thought eclipses his mind and he constantly forgets to take care of his grandmother, who frankly needs his help more and more each day. In the other dimension, Tänpo dreams of Kento - his deceased brother. Tänpo thinks that is a bad omen and decides to take the box of Nustrad to the upcoming battle against Kazkrad, First Commandant of the Zorns. When the Sendokai begins, Kazkrad uncovers his face and turns out to look - exactly like Zak. He's an evil Zak from a parallel dimension. The whole team is made up of evil versions of the kids. The Sendokai is very evenly matched. Both teams have exactly the same aptitudes because they ARE the same - but totally? No. There is something that sets them apart. In the end, the goodness and innocence of the kids becomes decisive: Kiet understands that his grandmother is his motivation and that realization unleashes his new power, allowing him to defeat the commandant. The kids start to rally the crowd against the Zorns. Marshall gets so angry that, to terrify the crowd, he condemns Kazkrad and sends him to the vortex. The kids have beaten their evil doubles from the dark side, but Tänpo's double has returned through his dreams.
lun, 29 abr 2013
On Earth, Zak is suffering because, due to the work situation of his parents, he's going to be separated from his friends - and above all from Cloe. Love is not turning out to be as marvelous as Tänpo said it would be. In the Zorn dimension, the kids now have to face Commandant Lalith. Tänpo confesses that he and Lalith were in love once, a long time ago. Tänpo, Lalith and Kento (Tänpo's deceased brother) were members of an ancient team of waadan. When they were defeated at the Grand Tournament 10,000 years ago, Kento and Lalith abandoned him and joined forces with the Zorns. For that reason, Tänpo had to go into exile in the Lul dimension. This confirms for Zak the fact that love is something to flee from, but during battle he cannot unleash his Sho-Sen Fire shot. Lalith has esoteric powers and forms a team of specters. Victory seems impossible for the kids but, during the battle, something happens in the Zorn imperial box that unsettles Lalith. Sidmodius has managed to get Marshall to accept the Chronek woman (who Lalith knows is in cahoots with Sidmodius) as a substitute for Kazrad. Lalith also knows that if she does not defeat the kids, the Zorns will make Earth disappear, so she makes an extra effort and unleashes her ultimate power: zero gravity.
mar, 30 abr 2013
During the battle, Lalith sees that Sidmodius is planning something and that Marshall has no respect for her anymore; all this dredges up the feelings she once had for Tänpo. It causes her to question the things she has done. When she is on the verge of beating the humans, she stops and gives up. She feels sorry for having made the decision she did 10,000 years ago. Marshall, indignant, decides to send her to the vortex for treason. But Tänpo confronts Marshall and reveals to everyone that under that armor there is none other than -- Kento, his brother. Tänpo invokes the ancient Zorn Law of Kronian and exchanges himself for Lalith in her sentence. Even though in truth his brother, Marshall cannot break the norm before everyone in the multiverse and sends Tänpo to the vortex. Tänpo disappears, leaving the kids completely on their own, to face the danger of the final match.
mié, 1 may 2013
Tänpo has disappeared forever, and the situations of the kids on Earth become irreversible. Besides all that, Ron and Rud continue to harass them and their parents ground them. Since their only hope is to defeat Marshall, Zak escapes and goes looking for the rest of his friends in order to do one last thing together - tofight, as a team, in the last battle. In the other dimension, the kids wonder how they can possibly face Marshall without Tänpo. They are nervous and contemplate the possibility of opening the box, but suddenly, there appears a new visitor: Lalith. She has gone into mourning for Tänpo but Zak convinces her to ally herself with them. Lalith knows that Sidmodius is planning something to do away with the Zorn Empire once and for all and take over himself. With the help of the Urlok prisoners on the spaceship, Lalith will redirect the energy of the vortex to Marshall's senrok. That way, the ship will be destroyed, the kids should be able to win their last Sendokai and the dö will finally rest in the senrok. While they plan all this, Lalith detects the feelings that are tormenting Zak and which he doesn't want to confess to Cloe. Lalith tells him that, before he disappeared, Tänpo told him two things. The first was: it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. And the second was: You have to defeat the Zorn Empire, no matter what. The kids agree and everyone travels to the Zorn dimension.
jue, 2 may 2013
The final battle is about to begin - and Marshall decides to transport the entire stadium to Earth to defeat the kids in the heart of their city as the first step in the Zorn conquest of the planet. Panic reigns. The families and friends of the kids watch it all on television but they don't recognize the kids because of their transformations. Everyone hopes these mysterious and unknown warriors can save them. The battle begins. Marshall fights with eight warriors more than the kids. The battle is uneven. Meanwhile, Lalith frees the Urloks so they can help her redirect the energy of the vortex to Marshall's senrok. In the match, it appears that all is lost, but all of a sudden - Tänpo returns from the vortex. He's still alive. And he has brought with him a Maub, a Beldzar, a Moolox and a Kaiju: warriors from the dimensions the kids saved while they were training. They and Tänpo join forces with the kids in battle. Now, it is nine against nine.
vie, 3 may 2013
The battle is equal now. But it appears that Marshall is getting the upper hand thanks to the strength his anger provides him. It's an anger provoked by feelings from the past. Zak also concentrates on his feelings, but not those of anger, but rather of love. And not mining them from the past but rather projecting them towards the future. In the end, he manages to perform a Sho Sen shot, vanquishing Marshall's entire team. Lalith and the Urloks come up against Sidmodius but they are able to defeat him and thus complete their part of the plan. If the kids can win the Sendokai the Zorn Empire will disappear. It looks as if the kids are going to do it - but then, in desperation, Marshall uses the box of Sestrad. The kids' bracelets crack and fall off, turning the kids back into normal humans. Their families and friends recognize them and realize what is happening. The whole planet is watching. Are they watching - the end?
Los mejor calificados
sáb, 4 may 2013
Marshall has used the box and reduced the kids to mere humans. The time has come to use the box of Nustrad to combat the Zorns' immense power with another immense power, but when they open the box, it is empty. Tänpo tells them that the box never contained anything. Its true power has always resided in the personal effort and teamwork the kids have been perfecting all this time. The kids mentally prepare themselves and, as normal human children without any armor, they carry out a joint, master play that ends up winning the dö in Marshall's senrok, causing the destruction of the Zorn spaceship and their entire army. Out of Marshall's armor emerges Kento who, after realizing that true power resides in willpower and teamwork, gives up. Sidmodius takes advantage of the fact that the box of Sestrad is open and binds its power to that of a Chronek and disappears. The kids celebrate their victory, and their families and friends gather around to ask them to forgive them. Family and friends express their admiration for and their understanding of what the kids have done. The kids have managed to save the Earth, their families and their friendship. When they are alone, Zak and Cloe confess their feelings to each other.