Fri, Jan 19, 2024
Daghan is a soldier serving in the East. He has been away from his hometown for two years... He is returning to take some mental leave after some traumatic events he experienced. But when he returns to his neighborhood, he cannot find anything as he left it. His estranged girlfriend Aydan has disappeared. They have such a passionate love with him that even when they are apart, they are not completely separate, so not being able to find her is very distressing for Daghan... His family is broken up, he learns that his sister ran away with a man, his brother dropped out of school and started doing dirty work, his father and mother are offended. It turns out that Daghan was the one who kept the house standing, but when he left, everything fell apart. Things in the neighborhood are not the same as before, bad people are around, his old friends are involved in various illegal activities. In such a chaotic environment, a type called Manager also emerges. He offers Daghan a job. "Trigger" Even though Daghan vehemently denies it at first, he finds himself in the middle of trouble to protect his best friend Samet. When Samet dies, Daghan agrees to work as a hitman to pay his debt to the Director, otherwise Samet's child and wife will die! After she finds out that her boyfriend, Aydan, is having an affair with another man, her psychology deteriorates completely. His dreams of getting her back are dashed. On the other hand, he realizes that his family and loved ones are in danger because of his work. If he wants to do this job and protect his loved ones, he must become even more brutal...
Fri, Jan 26, 2024
In order to protect Samet's family, Daghan decides to do the work given by the manager and comes to Yuksel's house, but he meets someone he never expected, his lover Aydan. While trying to get over the disappointment he experienced, unknown people raid the house, and Aydan and Daghan find themselves in the middle of danger. On the one hand, while trying to get rid of this danger, they desperately try to repair their torn-apart love. Daghan is busy gathering his scattered family from the other side. Ruzgar gets into trouble with the police, and Daghan takes him out of the police station. While trying to find his sister Yagmur, who is said to have escaped with a man, the new target given by the manager draws him into another statemate. Daghan acquires new and stronger enemies. Gurkan is almost sure that Daghan has a connection to the incident involving Samet's death. Daghan learns that Zafer escaped from the hospital and went after him. Zafer takes his breath away in Daghan's house to avenge him.
Fri, Feb 2, 2024
Daghan is worried because he can't find Yagmur. He starts investigating the surroundings in the hope of getting news. He asks the manager for help in this regard. At that time, Enver goes after Daghan, who both killed his partner and managed to skillfully disappear. But he is still unaware that this man, whom he has a grudge against, is the brother of his lover.
Fri, Feb 16, 2024
The manager gives Daghan a new target. After completing this job, Daghan is considering disconnecting from the manager. However, the manager's offer of help in the fight against Enver confuses him. He learns that the manager sets goals independent of the company from time to time and that these goals are always bad. This situation brings Daghan, who started to enjoy helping people in difficulty and punishing the bad ones, to a new path. The mandatory ongoing relationship with the manager gains a new dimension. While Daghan is after his new target, Enver is also after setting a trap for Daghan. He cannot attack Daghan directly because he promised Yagmur. That's why he tries to get him in by proving that he is a shooter. On the other hand, Enver, who is challenging his father, decides to marry Yagmur in a hurry. The harsh response of Ekber, who learned about this situation, brings the two families face-to-face. The second leg of Enver's plan to finish Daghan is Aydan. He pulls Aydan to his side and tries to get information about Daghan from him. He makes serious promises for this. Aydan's mother, Oya, also supports her daughter to help Enver and apply psychological pressure on her.
Fri, Mar 1, 2024
Daghan and Enver race against time to save Yagmur because she falls into the hands of a ruthless shooter. They start looking for Yagmur as soon as possible, without disturbing the family. After the shooter incident held by Ekber, the door of a retrospective showdown between Ekber and Enver is opened. Ekber explains to Enver the reason for the grudge he has been harbouring for years. Enver is forced to face his hidden traumas.
Fri, Mar 8, 2024
The manager learns of Daghan's connection with Leyla, and he asks Dahan to stay with Leyla. Because the manager wants to seize a computer belonging to Necdet. However, there are others who are looking for the computer, and they all go after Leyla. Daghan begins to feel guilty of conscience against Leyla because he killed her father and could not say this. Therefore, he is forced to protect Leyla and find the computer.
Fri, Mar 15, 2024
After Daghan kills men in front of her eyes, Leyla begins to fear him and question who this man she trusts is. She escapes from Daghan's grasp at the first opportunity she gets. When he realises that he cannot get out of this without finding the computer, he goes to get information from a trusted friend of her father. The door he knocks on for help will cause new trouble for him.
Fri, Mar 29, 2024
Akbar gives Kurt one last chance to regain his trust, but this chance turns into a difficult test for Kurt. In order to deal a greater blow to Akber, Daghan, and Enver, he plans to put the Zakkum Brothers, who are famous for their cruelty, in front of them. Enver is in danger of losing all business paths upon the release of the Zakkum Brothers. While Daghan wants to save a woman damaged by Cezmi Zakkum, he is on the others' radar. While Enver and Daghan are looking for ways to unite and resist these brothers, Daghan decides to solve them in a different way this time. However, this decision leads him to an irreversible mistake.
Fri, Apr 19, 2024
Davut's death leaves a difficult burden on the family. Daghan begins to blame himself and goes after Korkut by swearing revenge. Everyone takes precautions because they are afraid that Daghan will harm himself. Enver tries to solve the business without blood; he goes to the Zakkum with an offer. Then he plans with the Mudur and Daghan to eliminate them. But their plan is stuck with the obstacle of an order from the company.
Fri, May 10, 2024
Learning that Ekber could not fulfil the duty, Arif Mubarak puts a shooter he knows from the company into the service of Akbar. In order to get one step closer to Daghan and Kurt, they raided one of the points leading to the main house. Arif revolts and declares Daghan and Kurt as devils and targets.
Fri, May 17, 2024
While Daghan was trying to work with Mudur to make sure whether Korkut was alive or not, Korkut had teamed up with Ekber to put his plans into action. Korkut takes four people that Daghan cares about hostage and sets up various tricks for Daghan to save them. Ekbar also takes advantage of this game and includes Mudur's most valuable asset, his daughter. Thus, an opportunity arose to take revenge. When Mudur faces the danger of losing his daughter, whom he hasn't been able to approach for years, he goes to both Korkut and Ekber.
Fri, May 31, 2024
When Daghan learns that his new target is Enver, he looks for a way to get out of this situation. He pressures Mudur to find a solution. Daghan works with Mudur, and they try to reach the company before the company goes after them. After learning what happened, Enver's hatred for his father grows to an extent that he cannot stop. He is determined to confront his father and kill him before he dies.