Rise of the Underdog
"Rise of the Underdog" follows the true story of young nurse, Will McIntyre, who has his freedom taken after a one-night stand leads to a false allegation of rape. Found guilty upon trial, W... Read all"Rise of the Underdog" follows the true story of young nurse, Will McIntyre, who has his freedom taken after a one-night stand leads to a false allegation of rape. Found guilty upon trial, Will is sent to maximum-security prison where he meets Jimmy, a hardened inmate infamous fo... Read all"Rise of the Underdog" follows the true story of young nurse, Will McIntyre, who has his freedom taken after a one-night stand leads to a false allegation of rape. Found guilty upon trial, Will is sent to maximum-security prison where he meets Jimmy, a hardened inmate infamous for a string of armed robberies. Jimmy is positively impacted by Will's courage and struggle... Read all