Boy Meets Girl (2014) was directed by Eric Schaeffer. Rickie, played by Michelle Henry, has known she's a woman since childhood. The problem is that she was born in a man's body. She has been transgendered medically, but not surgically. The people of the small town in which she lives know all this, and they've accepted it. (I live in a small town, and this rings true. People may think transgendering, or being lesbian, or being gay, is a little strange, but Ricky is one of their own, and they accept her for what she is.)
Ricky's straight best friend Robby, played by Michael Welch, truly cares for Ricky. There are some funny scenes where Robby tries to answer questions about what heterosexuals do when they make love. Remember that Ricky has male genitalia. When she's attracted to a beautiful straight woman, she doesn't exactly know how it all works. The beautiful woman is Francesca, who is engaged to a Marine. He's stationed in Afghanistan. He's there, Ricky is here, and romance with Francesca develops.
I felt that the plot weakened at that point, and that the last portion of the film didn't live up to what we had seen before. Even so, I highly recommend Boy Meets Girl. It's charming and worth seeking out.
We saw this movie at the Little Theatre as part of the brilliant ImageOut Rochester LGBT Film Festival. It will work well on DVD.