- 28 Days Later Analysis [Michael Allen]
- Actionerd [Michaël Michaud]
- French
- Actionfreunde.de
- German
- ActiveContext.net [Tommy Snöberg Söderberg]
- Swedish
- AddictedToHorrorMovies.com [Daniel Hadley]
- Arrow in the Head [Cody Hamman]
- Bloody Disgusting
- blu-ray-rezensionen.net [T. Wolters Blu-ray]
- Bulletproof Action [Chad Cruise]
- Cool Ass Cinema [Brian Bankston]
- Cryptic Rock
- Cult of Muscle [Jake and CD-R]
- Die Nacht der lebenden Texte [Volker Schönenberger]
- German
- Flickering Myth [Tai Freligh]
- FromBeyond.se [Kristoffer Pettersson]
- Swedish
- HEAVEN OF HORROR [Karina Adelgaard aka ScreamQueen]
- HellHorror.com [Florita A.]
- Horror Freak News
- HorrorBuzz.com [Brian Tull]
- I Kassen [David Bjerre]
- Danish
- Life Between Frames [Cody Hamman]
- Manly Movie
- Mercedes Prunty Author
- MikeFury.net [Mike Fury]
- Moviebreak.de [Jacko Kunze]
- German
- Movies of the Soul [Tennyson Thomas]
- Rotten Reelz [Jake Peck]
- Rue Morgue [Michael Gingold]
- Schokkend Nieuws [Ype Driessen]
- Dutch
- ScreenAnarchy [Hugo Ozman]
- Sofahelden.de [GloansBunny]
- German
- Subversive Rabbit [Rabbit]
- Taliesin meets the vampires
- The Action Elite [Eoin]
- Toppraffel.se [Pidde Andersson]
- Swedish
- Truthoncinema.com [unknown]
- Twitchfilm.com [Hugo Ozman]
- VIEWS ON FILM [Jesse Burleson]
- Villainous Cinema [Evan Landon]
- Zisi Emporium for B Movies [Christopher Zisi]
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