Playing with Fire is a deeply moving and impactful documentary directed by Deborah Attoinese, which tells the harrowing story of Abby Bolt, a female firefighter who bravely comes forward after experiencing sexual abuse within her fire company. The film shines a light on the struggles women face in male-dominated industries, particularly the fire service, and the systemic harassment that too often goes unnoticed or unaddressed.
Attoinese takes viewers through Bolt's journey, showcasing not only the traumatic harassment she endured but also the arduous battle she faces when she seeks justice. The institutions that are meant to protect her seem to falter, drowning her in bureaucratic red tape as she fights for years just to have her case acknowledged.
The film highlights a shocking and all-too-familiar statistic: "63% of female firefighters in the U. S. Forest Service experience gender discrimination and sexual harassment." Bolt's story reflects this grim reality, but it also serves as a testament to her strength and resilience in the face of such adversity.
Attoinese's documentary is skillfully produced and poignantly addresses these critical issues, offering a compelling portrayal of how difficult it can be for women to speak out in industries dominated by men. Playing with Fire is not just a story of one woman's struggle but a larger commentary on the institutional failings and cultural challenges that allow such injustices to persist. A must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the pervasive issue of workplace harassment and the ongoing fight for equality.