- Clark Kent: How quickly everything can change. How fragile life can be. How fragile our relationships are. We'll never forget the sacrifice that gave us this second chance... a second chance to do more, to be better, and make the most of the time we all have on this planet.
- Lois Lane: Clark, every time I walk past a mirror, it's still jarring. But someone once said to me that whatever scars I have are a symbol that I survived.
- Sarah Cushing: I just... wow, that dress is amazing.
- Chrissy Beppo: Aw, that's... that's... that's great. Great.
- Sarah Cushing: Um, can I help you do your hair?
- Chrissy Beppo: That'd be great. That's a lot of "greats." Is it? I've been saying "great" a lot. Like, I'm great. You're great. We're all great. "Great's" a great word. Everything's fine.
- Chrissy Beppo: Just because the boulder is, like, tumbling down the hill does not mean I'm not rolling with it and it's not great.