No Not Me, so in that sense I actually enjoyed it :)
Wasn't looking for these two so imagine my surprise so soon. I see they're one of those couples that get cast in these series.
It's a little too silly in the first episodes, and I kind of hate the focus on them screwing up big time and turning that into some moralizing tale. Ba-Mee is annoying as heck being so clingy and self-involved but she transforms into this professional, it's hard to buy into these transformations but you can't expect quality and realism from a BL, I keep telling myself that lol...
Also, I don't understand why the guy playing Pah is not a lead, he's clearly the eye candy here and I would've enjoyed this more with him as one of the leads. I like his personality too.
As for those two, well, it's as tropey as you can get and I kind of resent the power imbalance that they're always going for with these things. It's rare to find a different dynamic and this is not it.
I guess the good things here are some of the interactions between the characters. It's an easy watch and bingeable enough. I think Jane's career dilemma was interesting enough but it was just a cheap ploy to throw some drama in the episode before last. And that X years later thing ugh...