I wasn't friends with the Pappas brothers, only ever watched them skate when they would come to town, but growing up a skater myself with many of the same freedoms and benefits that come along with getting paid to do it, this documentary is all too real.
This is a must-see regardless of your craft or sport, because unlike many documentaries about famous athletes who fall to addiction, depression and/or violence, you feel a real connection to these kids. They're your neighbors kids, your classmates, your friends, your bullies... No matter how you relate, there's a genuine feel that will grab your emotions and make you pray there's a happy ending. Although in your gut you know in the end there won't be the Pappas brothers holding hands and skipping into the sunset to Leslie Gore's "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows".
My only negative about the documentary is the soundtrack. Just awful.