An enlightening and engaging documentary exploring the experiences of a young rap group who have brushed with the law.
As an Australian citizen, watching these young people try to escape a life of crime through the arts and being oppressed using archaic anti organised crime laws brings a real fire to my mind. I recommend a watch whether you're a fan of the music or not. Watching as the police repeatedly overreach as a method of crushing freedom of speech shows how backwardly conservative Australia really is leaves this viewer with a stony heart.
At the end of the first viewing my mind recalls growing up in western Sydney, how the common criminal elements were restricted to drug use and domestic violence, as well as concerning rhetoric around sexual consent. This film acts as an astounding criticism and in many ways is a stark display of Sydney's complete and utter sledgehammer approach to policing and leaves the viewer wondering, why do the police never speak of tangible plans to engage with their communities.
A must watch.