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"Brandy" is a dark comedy-drama that follows three troubled young women in their 20s, Maya,Melissa, and Lydia, who find themselves in a bizarre and chaotic situation, when they agree to hous... Read all"Brandy" is a dark comedy-drama that follows three troubled young women in their 20s, Maya,Melissa, and Lydia, who find themselves in a bizarre and chaotic situation, when they agree to house-sit for one of their childhood friends, Sarah. As they sit on a park bench they struggle... Read all"Brandy" is a dark comedy-drama that follows three troubled young women in their 20s, Maya,Melissa, and Lydia, who find themselves in a bizarre and chaotic situation, when they agree to house-sit for one of their childhood friends, Sarah. As they sit on a park bench they struggle to cope with the consequences of their actions while dealing with personal conflicts. As ... Read all