"John" (2023) is a groundbreaking action film that takes a unique and socially relevant approach to the genre. Instead of focusing on traditional action heroes, the film delves into the gritty lives of LGBTQ sex workers in the heart of Hollywood, LA. This daring choice, inspired by Italian neorealism and the French New Wave, provides a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on the action genre.
The film's strong suit lies in its character development, as it introduces us to a diverse cast of characters, each struggling to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world. John, the protagonist, brings an authentic and raw portrayal of someone fighting for acceptance and dignity. The action sequences, while intense and well-executed, are used as a backdrop to highlight the characters' resilience and the harsh reality they face daily.
Director's masterful use of the camera captures the essence of the streets of Hollywood, immersing the audience in the characters' world. The film's gritty visual style and hauntingly evocative soundtrack contribute to the movie's overall impact.
"John" is not just an action movie; it's a powerful social commentary that sheds light on the struggles of marginalized communities. While it might not cater to traditional action movie enthusiasts, it's an essential watch for those seeking thought-provoking cinema that challenges conventions and leaves a lasting impression.